View Full Version : not able to preview footage cleanly in cs5

Stu Ross
November 13th, 2010, 02:25 AM
Please HELP!!!!
When i am editing native avchd in premiere pro cs5 i am not able to view in the canvas window the footage at a decent quality. I press play in the the timeline and it plays at a viewable and workable quality, it just big lumps of pixels continually dropout and change colours. It makes it extremely difficult to tell if footage is in focus or if panning is smooth because no matter what it appears to be bouncin around. I know that avchd is quite intensive on the computer but does anybody else have this problem or is it just something im missing,
running windows7 64bit
processor INtel Core i7 860 @ 2.80ghz
8.00gb RAm
2TB Hardrive

Footage from HMC150 (720p 50fps)

Roger Averdahl
November 13th, 2010, 02:51 AM
1. Right click in the Program panel and choose Playback Resolution > Full
2. Right click in the Source panel and choose Playback Resolution > Full

The video will playback at full quality in both panels.

Stu Ross
November 13th, 2010, 05:14 AM
ahh me very silly.thanks