Tim Kolb
November 11th, 2010, 08:47 AM
I have to note the national (I assume it was a network placement) TV spot I just saw on ESPN. Apparently these guys have hit the big time.
Also...there is a contest going on where you can win GoPro product apparently...
I guess this little niche is no longer so little.
Pete Bauer
November 11th, 2010, 09:08 AM
Yeah, the little GoPro is already the big dog in this market. If you watch closely, you'll see them on Mythbusters quite frequently. That show is already part of our national culture so they can certainly use the best tool for any given job. Almost every time I set one up, I run into another GoPro owner. They're everywhere!
However, I think my next GoPro project will be decidely small-time: I may discreetly set it up near my parking spot at work early Monday morning to see who is going around repeatedly removing the reserved parking name plates.
Rob Knoll
December 3rd, 2010, 03:23 PM
I love seeing these little cameras being used on network tv. Mythbusters goes crazy with these little guys because they can destroy them on the cheap. I would not want to put even an HV20 near a giant exploding vat of pig intestines, but I would risk a GoPro. It is built to survive.
However they are no where near perfect. The shots Mythbusters uses from the GoPro is generaly brief. But they go places no one else does...or would want to.
(i.e. Barf Bowl on the Cold Feet episode)
Wayne Reimer
January 1st, 2011, 08:41 AM
They really have hit the big time...they were visible many times during various Nascar races, Superbike races...even used as in-cockpit cameras during the RedBull air races.
I don't think it hurts their cause having them so readily available almost everywhere these days: I've seen kiosks set up in Shopping malls, and every motorcycle shop I've been in over the past year carries them.
Pre-packaging them in "kit" form is brilliant; the motorsports kit with various helmet mounts, the autoroutes kit with a suction mount, etc...everything in one box to start shooting your favorite pastime without having to order additional parts, etc. And pricing them in the "impulse buy" range almost guarantees high sales numbers.
I watched a booth they'd set up at a motorcycle show last fall for about 10 minutes; they sold at least one a minute while I was watching..
I think it's great to see. It's not the best video in the world, but it's head and shoulders above what was available only a few years ago. I'm a lot more willing to risk it for a shot than even a fairly inexpensive compact camera.
We actually found a good, practical use for one during a medical aid trip last fall. We were doing dental work in a very poor country, and had several local dentists and students assisting us. Many North American techniques and tools were unfamiliar to them, so they would crowd around a procedure, trying to see what was being done.
We used the head mount extensively, and then downloaded to a laptop so the students could see exactly what was being done without someone else in the way. It was a highly effective teaching tool, and the dental college where these students were being trained immediately ordered four of them for teaching purposes.