Justin Lovell
November 6th, 2010, 08:52 PM
build 50356
Testing debayering some footage shot with si2k, but it doesn't seem to be affecting the image that is open in Quicktime version 10. (this version of QT doesn't have a preferences window to select HQ playback). osx 10.6.
any ideas?
Mike McCarthy
November 8th, 2010, 02:20 PM
Quicktime Player 7 can still be installed and used on 10.6, but it shows up in the utilities directory instead of the Applications folder, if I recall correctly. Version7 has many more professional options than the new "Version X."
Justin Lovell
November 9th, 2010, 10:04 AM
can anyone test and let me know if debayering of si2k footage is working for them?
any solution? In the middle of a project and need this feature to be functioning!
Craig Davidson
November 9th, 2010, 12:46 PM
Change the debayer setting in the control panel for 8-bit presentation. QuickTime player (7 or X) both request an 8-bit pixel format for playback.
Justin Lovell
November 9th, 2010, 01:04 PM
image attached, what setting do I need to change?
8 bit is greyed out. (sorry for misunderstanding)
thank you!
Kaspar Kallas
November 9th, 2010, 03:44 PM
You are looking at the wrong page in control panel. The debayering settings are in the Process tab.
What is exactly You want to change?
Thank You
John Reeve
November 16th, 2010, 08:16 AM
Hi Justin,
I can confirm that the debayer settings are not affecting my files either. I am testing 3D/1080p footage shot on SI2Ks.
When I open the prefs panel and select the different 8bit presentation modes nothing happens.
Justin Lovell
November 16th, 2010, 09:08 AM
The debayering button inside First Light does not work / affect the clips.
On my system,
I have been able to change the debayer settings using the system prefs Cineform control panel, however it affect ALL clips, there is no control over affecting the debayering of selected clips.
I do not know what the difference is between:
"debayer for 8 bit presentation"
"debayer for high precision"
guessing one has to do with playback, and one with rendering, but doesn't make sense to me.
Also the "automatic setting doesn't seem to do anything, puts it at the lowest quality from what i can tell.
any help guys?
David Newman
November 16th, 2010, 11:06 AM
I have confirmed that on the Mac on the global controls work, and the per clips setting are not. FirstLight using deep precision, FCP renders (10-bit or better) also use deep precision.
Build 160 will fix this.