View Full Version : expanded focus for the PMW 320

Ronnie Martin
November 6th, 2010, 08:51 PM
I found the following description on a website concerning the pmw 320....anyone know what button they are talking about? Is this one of those buttons that can be assigned like in the other Ex cameras. On the Ex-1R and the EX-3 the expandable focus button is right above the start stop button on the lens. This is a super feature and I use it all the time to nail manual focus with the Ex-3/Ex-1R. It can even be activated while the camera is shooting without changing the recorded image.



Expanded Focus
At the touch of a button, the center of the screen on the viewfinder can be magnified to about twice normal size, making it easier to confirm focus settings during manual focusing. When the switch is released, the center of the screen goes back to normal size.

Tom Bostick
November 6th, 2010, 10:28 PM
i believe its called focus magnification on the 320 and 350

Rodney Minott
November 7th, 2010, 12:58 AM
Is this one of those buttons that can be assigned like in the other Ex cameras.

Hi Ronnie,
Yes. You can program a button on the 320 for expanded focus. I assigned it to the button that 's in front of the zoom rocker.

Ronnie Martin
November 7th, 2010, 03:06 PM
Thanks for the reply and the info... I read most of the manual but must have skipped that part. One more thing have you found a source for scene files. I don't know if you have been reading some of my other posts on this forum about scene files or not. We have three XDCAM cameras. ... EX-1R.. EX-3 ..and just recently the 320. There are so many choices in the set up of scene files and picture profiles that I have no clue as how to match these cameras. I guess what I need is a source for standard scene files for down load and then try and get the other cameras to match the 320... Any idea on where I can go to find some scene files presets for the 320?



Andrew Stone
November 7th, 2010, 03:53 PM
Hi Ronnie,

You might want to start up a picture profile thread relating to the 320 and the 350.

I do believe there have been 2 or 3 threads here on picture profiles relating to the ENG styled EX cams but that was a more than a few months ago. Search might pull them up.

Also try to root out the threads on the 350 as much of it will apply to your camera.

Here is a link to Alister Chapman's articles on the 320 in the event you haven't seen them for info on your cam... PMW-320 (

Rodney Minott
November 7th, 2010, 11:45 PM
Hi Ronnie,
I'm at a loss too for good scene files for the 320. But it appears Andrew has found a possible source posted on a site for the PMW-350. The site is operated by Alister Chapman. I tried downloading Chapman's scene files folder for the 350 but couldn't get them to load into my camera:

Ronnie Martin
November 8th, 2010, 09:35 AM
Hello Rodney: I down loaded the scene files for the 350 last night and when I take a break from the project that I am working on I will see if I can get them to load into the 320.

What I would like to find is some "standard looks" for the Ex-1R/EX-3 that could relate to the scene files for the 320. Then start matching the cameras from there. I think that the Picture profiles for the EX-1R and the EX-3 are the same. If I can start there then try to find a scene file that was similar for th 320 then maybe I will have a chance at getting them to match.

One other not so perfect but maybe the only way to do it is to match the two EX cameras using a broadcast monitor to the same chart then try to get the 320 to look similar.


Dan Crowell
November 8th, 2010, 06:46 PM

The Focus mag is an assignable switch. Go into the operations menu and scroll down to the assignable switches and choose a button to assign it to. I use the (RET) button which is located just behind the zoom rocker on the lens hand grip.

You should be able to use the same scene files as the 350 ( I own both). But, I'd check it all out on a monitor to be sure. They will be close. Though the image block on the EX-1 & 3 are the same as the 320 . The image processors, matrix, etc., are different (more like that of the 350) which gives the 320 a better image.

Ronnie Martin
November 8th, 2010, 07:19 PM
Thanks so much Dan: What would be a big help is to find a scene file that comes close to corresponding with a Picture profile for the Ex-e and Ex-1R then with a broadcast monitor and a color chart or what I call a "Shirley" ( actually a picture of a young lady with a color chart I guess her name was Shirley) that was given to me years ago by a still photographer try to match the look from there.

Thanks again for your suggestion about assigning the button. I use the expanded focus on the ex-3 and the ex-1R all the time to nail focus. I never use the ret button.


Dan Crowell
November 9th, 2010, 07:42 PM

Like the EX-1 & EX-3, which are accentual the same camera in different form-factors. The PMW-350 & 320 are the same form-factor but slightly different cameras, the main difference being only the imager size. That being said, I don't think you're going to find a lot specifically for the 320 any time soon. Beside setting the detail a bit higher, I have found most of the settings for the 350 work well on the 320.

Ronnie Martin
November 11th, 2010, 01:40 PM
Is this one of those buttons that can be assigned like in the other Ex cameras.

Hi Ronnie,
Yes. You can program a button on the 320 for expanded focus. I assigned it to the button that 's in front of the zoom rocker.

Just looking in the manual for the 320 and it says that this assignment is not retained. Do you have to reset it for expanded each time you boot up the camera?



Doug Jensen
November 11th, 2010, 05:46 PM
I have never used a 320, but I would assume that the manual means that expanded focus will not stay turned ON if you turn the camera off and back on again. When you turn the camera on, the assign button can still be used again to turn Expanded Focus on again, but it will always be OFF when you first turn the camera on. That's what I'll bet the manual means.

Rodney Minott
November 11th, 2010, 08:08 PM
Just looking in the manual for the 320 and it says that this assignment is not retained. Do you have to reset it for expanded each time you boot up the camera?



I don't know why the manual says that about the expanded focus setting. I've always been able to expand focus after turning the camera off and then on again. Never been a problem. Works like a charm.

Ronnie Martin
November 12th, 2010, 05:48 AM
Thanks Doug and Rodney for your replies. Doug I know that you have said before that you did not have plans to develop an instructional DVD for this camera and having done some long term projects myself recognize how much time it takes. This camera has so many settings that are different from the Ex-1 and Ex-3 that a many of us would really benefit from one of your DVDs.

I have been bogged down with a project since the camera came in and it is still in the factory default settings. My deadline is today and when the project is out the door I will dive into the settings with more detail. Even a basic field manual like you have developed for the other cameras would really help.

I know that you have mentioned that you do not have a 320/350 but surely Sony would be interested in letting you have a demo camera to work with. It would benefit both of you financially.

Thanks again for you replies....they have been very helpful and I expect that I will be posting a request for help as I get more familiar with the 320.


Doug Jensen
November 13th, 2010, 07:17 AM
Hi Ronnie,

Thank you for suggesting I produce a DVD or field guide for the 320/350. It's great to know I'd have at least one customer on the first day of release. :-)

Unfortunately, there are a number of factors I have to take into consideration when deciding which cameras to work on, and these ones didn't make the cut. But basically it boils down to the fact that I can't fit these into my schedule. I simply don't have the 6-8 weeks available that it takes to produce a DVD or book, and I'm not willing to do something superficial or half-baked. If I can't do it right, I'd rather not do it at all.

Actually, I don't think the cameras are all that different than the EX3. If you're struggling with some issues on the 320/350 that are causing frustration and/or wasted time working them out, my EX3 DVD might be a good investment for you. Sure, there will be some differences, but I'm sure you'll be able to recognize those differences and adapt accordingly.

Vortex Media: VIDEO & PHOTO Tools and Training (


Ronnie Martin
November 13th, 2010, 10:32 AM
Thanks Doug for all you do for us... I completely understand. I have your EX-3/EX-1 DVDs and I will go back and take another look.... I guess all the choices with the scene files and then trying to match the 320 to the Ex-3 and ex-1R is where I am stumped. Your DVDs have a lot of other information aside from the cameras that is very helpful.

Sometimes what stumps me is the simplest setting.. like the "cannot proceed" error. Your video on the Vortex site solved that for me.... just something simple can stop you when you are in the field.

Another thing I noticed on the update video was that the picture profiles you use for the Ex-1 and the Ex-3 cannot be transferred to the EX-1R. That makes it even harder to match all three cameras with the same look. Ex-1R. Ex-3 and PMW 320.

Hopefully, it may be possible to go back a take the individual settings from the ex-1 picture profiles and then add them one by one to both the Ex-1R, and 320. I assume the settings for the Ex-3 picture profiles would work.

Anyway, it will be a fun time matching the three cameras. I really like the Ex-1R right out of the box. I just returned from a trip to Vermont and the out of the box settings gave stunning video. However, I do believe that they could have even been better.

Thanks again for all you do for us Doug

Ronnie Martin

Ronnie Martin
November 14th, 2010, 08:40 PM
Hello Doug: I like the Picture profile settings that you gave in the Ex-3 DVD as Doug 1. It is possible to get that same look by entering the settings in the Ex-1R manually? What about using the settings in the 320?

Would that be a good place to start matching the three cameras?

Really don't have a clue here.



Doug Jensen
November 15th, 2010, 06:18 AM
Another thing I noticed on the update video was that the picture profiles you use for the Ex-1 and the Ex-3 cannot be transferred to the EX-1R.

Hi Ronnie, first of all, thank you for your kind comments but I am certainly not the only one giving out helpful advice on this forum. A lot of people deserve credit for the time they spend here.

You have kind of misquoted what I say about Picture Profiles in my training DVDs and books. It is true that you can't transfer PP files directly between two different models of camera, but there is absolutely no reason why you can't manually program the exact same paint settings on an EX1, EX1R, and EX3 and have them match. At their core, all three of those cameras are identical under the hood, so what works for one will work for the others.

Those settings may also work on the 320, but since I have never even touched a 320, I can't say for sure. I do know my DOUG-1 settings don't work on a 350 or 500. But I don't know anything about the 320.

Anyway, for reasons I point out in my DVDs, even if you could take pre-made PP settings from someone else and transfer them to your camera via a Camera Data file -- you wouldn't want to. You are much better off programming the PP you want to use by hand. In the case of DOUG-1, that's only about half a dozen settings, so it only takes a couple of minutes.

Ronnie Martin
November 15th, 2010, 08:31 AM
Thanks Doug.... Sorry I didn't mean to misquote you. What I was trying to say is the PPs cannot be transferred from one camera model to another model... Sorry to not only be so uninformed on camera settings, picture profiles, scene files and a whole bunch of other things. That is why your DVDs are so helpful.

So many of us out here are at very different levels when it comes to Video production and cameras. Some have many years of experience and others just a few. I realize that when you make a training DVD it has to be at a point that it is helpful to to the very challenged (like me) while still at the same time offer help to the more advanced.

I have programmed by hand both the Ex-3 and Ex-1R with your Doun 1 settings and they look super. Much better than the standard out of the box settings.

Since the 320 is more like the 350 with the scene files I don't know if they will work with the 320 or not. I will give it a try and see what happens. Since I like the look of those settings I at least will have a good place to start.

Thanks again for your help

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Dan Crowell
November 15th, 2010, 08:41 PM

Don't know if you tried setting the RET assignable switch to focus mag or not, but just wanted pass along that even though my 350's manual also states it does not retain the setting after the camera has been powered off. With the stock lens it should retain the setting. Mine does....

Getting back to scene files for the 320. I took a quick look at the EX-3 manual to see what picture profile settings that may be similar to the 320's paint settings. Try starting with Hyper Gamma # 2 on the 320 and cine gamma # 2 on the EX-3. It looks like those curves may be similar, or at least trying to achieve the same effect. Personally,on the 320 I use the the hyper gamma # 2, detail -8, black gamma -30, Master black -3 to 10 depending on the situation. Let me know if they're any where close. I'm going to be in the market for an EX-3 or EX-1R in the next few months.

Ronnie Martin
November 16th, 2010, 12:35 PM
Hello Dan: Your info is just what I have been looking for. A place to start... I currently have the ex1-R,ex-3 and the 320.. I put 140 hours on the ex-3 last year. If you already have the 320 I would opt for the ex-1r unless you need the removable lens on the ex-3. My first camera in the Ex- line was the original ex-1. Since I shoot racing video hand held for periods of up to 4 hours at a stint I traded the ex-1 for a ex-3 simply searching for more comfortable ergonomics. My right shoulder and wrist really hurt after about an hour with the ex-1. The ex-3 was a little better but not the complete solution. I bought a shoulder brace from Westside video and it helped a great deal. The Ex1R that I recently purchased was as a back up camera in a smaller package that I could use hand held. The Ex-1R out of the box to me is just as comfortable as the Ex-3 out of the box. Now that the ex-1R has most all of the inputs and outputs plus most of the features of the 3, I think that it is the most bang for the buck. The only thing I miss on the R is the excellent view finder on the 3.

Up until this point I have never had the lens off the 3 and it is going on 3 years old.

Back on topic....As you said I set the ret button for the expanded focus and unless it goes away when I remove the battery, it has remained on when switching the camera off and on. I have not removed the battery at this point.

Thanks again for your recommendations on settings..... I will give them a try... BTW did you save the settings as a scene file?



Victor Matos
November 16th, 2010, 04:39 PM
Hey Doug, I have a EX1R and had a two camera shoot with a EX1. We copied the EX1 cam settings & PP to a SXS card and transferred to my EX1R with no issues. Or I think no issues that I saw. Are you saying there's some info that won't transfer correctly?

Thanks for the help.

Doug Jensen
November 16th, 2010, 05:31 PM
Hi Victor.

To be honest, the only time I ever tried to transfer a Camera Data file between my EX1 and EX1R was almost a year ago in December 09. At that time it definitely did not work. However, both cameras have had firmware updates since then, and it is possible that problem has been fixed. I sold my EX1R a couple of months ago so I cannot test it myself today. If you say that you have successfully transfered files between an EX1 and EX1R then I believe you. And I wouldn't worry about whether all the settings transferred or not. I'm sure that if it appeared to work, then everything probably transferred just fine.

Thanks for the update. I have trouble keeping up on all the changes that keep coming down the pike.

Dan Crowell
November 17th, 2010, 06:49 PM

Thanks for the advise. I've shoot a lot with hand held cameras, so I'm very up to speed on the down sides of shooting with hand-helds. In fact a few years ago, I hadn't used a full size camera for at least three or four years prior. Then I did a project where I was using a couple of XDCAMs and at that point I told my self, "no more hand-helds as primary camera". Even though the EX-3 looked like the cheaper answer, I held out. It took a while, but now I' have a PMW-350 & 320. The reason I'm looking at an EX-1 or 3 is for underwater. Presently I have a Z7 for underwater mainly because Amphibico (a company I have a long relationship with) didn't make an underwater housing for the EX-1.Some sort of remote control issues. And, it can be an issue shooting for networks like Net-Geo who don't like HDV. Last year Amphibico came out with an EX-3 housing, but the way I look at it is, why use an EX-3, or for that matter, a 320 when the smaller package EX-1 has the same image sensors? (In the water the cameras don't weigh much). Other companies make housing for EX-1s but, they don't have all the options I'd like to have in an underwater housing. In any case, I wish Amphibico would just make an EX-1 housing, and life would be good......for me! The 350 is a kick-ass camera and the 320 is soooo close in imade. I'm almost sorry for spending the extra cash for the 350. But yes, I can see a big difference in depth of field and general image quality between the two, albeit ever so slight.