View Full Version : Wedding got over 400,000 plays in 8 days!!

Michael Padilla
November 5th, 2010, 11:17 AM
Hi Guys, I thought I'd post some of our new work; this one has been played on vimeo over 400,000 times and counting (OMGosh!)

Video: Tiffany + Brook ?*St. Regis, Ca on Vimeo

We also posted a "Shooters Commentary" of this video here: Shooters Commentary {Tiffany+Brook's NDE} on Vimeo
We hope it can serve as being both entertaining and somewhat informative!

All 5DM2 work


Michael Padilla / VisualMasterpiece

Oh.. and the polls for eventDV top25 just opened :D The Event Videographer's Resource (
if you enjoyed these pieces please take a moment and cast a vote for us.. we would be honored!! We're doing a ton of educational stuff this year too so keep in touch!

Tony Davies-Patrick
November 7th, 2010, 04:46 PM
Wonderful footage, Michael and great editing!
Superb job on the steadicam, especially on the staircase... I use the 17mm a lot, but this makes me think maybe of trying the 14mm more in the future on steadicam shots.

I find it strange that they actually used the iphone at the wedding... but it certainly made it unique and very different! :)

Michael Padilla
November 8th, 2010, 01:14 PM
Tony the biggest problem with the 14mm is the price (ouch). Otherwise it's a great lens!
The biggest advantage for steady cam work is the hyper focal distance of 3 feet (set focus to infinity and anything beyond 3 ft is in focus). This really helps. Additionally over the 17-40mm, this lens has an f-stop of 2.8. Also don't buy a version 1 just because it's more affordable... You won't be happy.

Tony Davies-Patrick
November 8th, 2010, 01:27 PM
Thank you for the information Michael.
I was actually referring to the 17-35mm f/2.8 L rather than the f/4 lens.

Michael Padilla
November 8th, 2010, 02:05 PM
Ah.. older lens then.. I've used the 16-35 2.8 II and thought that was a really nice and flexible lens.. is it worth the upgrade to the 14mm?? Hard to say for the price jump, but generally if you plan on doing lots of steadicam work I would suggest so. Also on the 7D the 14mm equivalent to about a 24mm.

Tony Davies-Patrick
November 8th, 2010, 03:31 PM
I don't plan on 'upgrading' the 17-35mm 2.8 zoom because I use it a heck of a lot for both stills and video above and below water. I was just thinking of adding the 14mm to my list of Canons and Nikkors. I like the 15mm MF Nikkor but the 14mm AF lens might be worth trying out. I tend to use MF for most of my steadicam and underwater work, so maybe it would be wise to rent the 14mm II version for a try. I was not too impressed with the earlier 14mm L lens which exibited bad flare and very soft corners unless well stopped down, although judging by the reviews this new lens fixes most of the problems.

Xin Jin
November 15th, 2010, 06:18 PM
thats a pretty awesome wedding video. the music really fits the cutting and color correction is a dream. im not doing wedding videos but this one is pretty damn nice and kind of tells a story like a little short.

damn sharp everything. is this because of the L glass or more from the 3 feet focal length? wow awesome stuff, thank you for sharing the video and the great commentary.


Michael Padilla
November 15th, 2010, 11:16 PM
Thanks for watching the commentary - we were using mostly L series glass with the exception being the zeiss 35 and the sigma macro for the ring shot. The hyper focal distance of 3 feet is regarding the 14mm lens only, but yeah its a very nice lens.

Denny Kyser
December 16th, 2010, 04:18 AM
Michael, wonderful video and I really like the "Shooters Commentary" its loaded with information.