View Full Version : Request regarding EOS forums
Jon Shohet November 4th, 2010, 01:40 AM Hi,
The differences between the 7D, 60D and 550D are really negligible regarding video production.
For most issues, I feel I may miss out on some valuable, completely relevant advice from 7D owners if I post the question in the 60D/550D forum.
I suggest a slight revamp :
1. EOS APS-C Forum : 7D, 60D, 550D etc.
2. EOS Full frame Forum : 1D, 5D etc.
3. EOS Lens Forum
Also a fourth forum maybe useful :
4. EOS-specific accessories Forum : Zacuto stuff, rigs, audio gear, monitoring, memory cards, etc.
Jon Shohet November 5th, 2010, 01:02 AM Should I assume from the lack of response that I'm the only one who thinks it's a good idea to consolidate all 1.6 crop Canon's into one APS-C forum? ;)
Per Johan Naesje November 5th, 2010, 01:08 AM Well, I would also second this request. Even if I read all current tree forums on a regular basis, your request would make it easier to stay updated.
Maybe Chris would make a comment?
Sabyasachi Patra November 7th, 2010, 11:58 AM I agree with the suggestion. Often issues that are common to 7D, 550D, 60D etc are discussed in one forum and gets lost. Better to create forums according to the sensor size as bells and whistles may matter for still photography, but for filming a number of those are irrelevant.
Chris Hurd November 8th, 2010, 08:48 AM Grouping all of the APS-C cameras together makes perfect sense,
the only reason why I haven't done it is due to the URL change to
that forum, which will blow up a lot of people's bookmarks. But I've
always maintained that the only bookmark you need for DV Info Net
is Digital Video News, Reviews and Forums at ( -- it's always
best to refer to the *entire* forum, not just one specific board.
So yes, it will be done.
It's tempting to group the 1D with the 5D, but the trouble with that
suggestion is the fact that the 1D Mk. IV does not have a full-frame
sensor like the 5D Mk. II and the (supposedly forthcoming and
assumedly full-frame) 1Ds Mk. IV. I'm not sure that we have
enough 1D Mk. IV traffic for it to stand on its own, but there
have been previous requests for it to get its own board here...
Jon Shohet November 8th, 2010, 09:37 AM That's great, thanks Chris.
Now what do you guys think about a dedicate lens forum? Redundant?
I'm asking because I think not all lens questions are sensor-size specific. Could be useful, no?
Zach Love November 8th, 2010, 01:44 PM I think it is tough the more specific a sub forum is, the easier it is to find specific info. But then there is a lot of redundant generic info in each of the specific forums.
I'm sure there is a "What is the best tripod for camera X" thread in each camera forum, when a tripod that works with a 6lb camera made by Sony will also work with a 6lb camera made by Canon that is the same size.
Maybe the answer is better "user police," having users make sure generic forums go to the generic forums & specific threads go in specific forums.
That, or a complete re-design of the entire DVInfo forum to something a lot more dynamic. Something where a single thread can appear or not appear in numerous forums at the same time based on content / subject & member viewing preferences.
I'm sure online forums will turn into something like that in the future, but since I'm not a programmer, I have no idea how to code or implement it.
James Strange November 8th, 2010, 07:17 PM I'd quite like this when I think about it, as my SOP when coming to DVinfo is to open the 7d and 550d (and sometimes 5D) sub forums, so having them all together would be nice.
Jon Shohet February 3rd, 2011, 05:26 AM Bump...
Hi Chris. Did you have a change of heart about consolidating 7D/60D/550D into one forum, or is it just that you still haven't gotten around to it?
Chris Hurd February 3rd, 2011, 12:42 PM Hi Jon, it's just late, like everything else in my life.
Jon Shohet February 5th, 2011, 09:56 PM Thanks. I hear you. Good to know it will happen eventually ;)