View Full Version : Working with Cineform and Dual Eyes

Chris Barcellos
November 3rd, 2010, 10:57 PM
I recently purchased Dual Eyes by Singular Software to handle my double system sound synching automatically. In case you don't know what it does, you can put your clips from a shoot, and your independently acquired sound files into a directory, and call those up in Dual Eyes, and it will match the sound clips to the video clip, labeling the sound clips to correspond to the video clips. You also have a choice to create a new video clip with the new sound inserted.

I have used it to create new files for in a .mov file, and I have also tried it doing recreation of a clip that was originally output from Cineform.

I am wondering what would be most trouble free way of handling this in terms of working with Cineform. Is there a potential of issues if I render my Cineform files from the derived file Dual Eyes creates ?

Edwin Baldwin
November 4th, 2010, 09:43 AM

Since you have tried Dual Eyes will it sync an instrument to an audio track?

Ed B

Chris Barcellos
November 4th, 2010, 09:51 AM
Edwin, I will see if I can determine that in some manner..... let's see, where did I put that key board.... I will check back with you.

As to the Cineform question and compbatibility with Dual Eyes, I did another test last night and ran into a problem with a Dual Eyes converted file. So out of three files I tried, one ended up with high hiss sound. The level on that one had been lower than the other two I had tried, and the resulting Cineform file had the very high hiss with an out of synch barely audible rumble for my voice track.

Based on that, I am thinking workflow with Cineform is to convert files first, then run those through Dual Eyes to synch sound.

Any thoughts on that Dave Newman ?

David Newman
November 4th, 2010, 10:18 AM
I've had great success using Dual Eyes on the converted CineForm AVI output, particularly in the early beta this was 3-4X faster than doing on the Canon MOV files directly. I understand that release was improving the speed for MOV processing, but even the beta work flawlessly on CineForm AVIs.

Chris Barcellos
November 4th, 2010, 05:27 PM
Thanks Dave, I am arriving at that conclusion myself.