View Full Version : Filming in Mostar, Bosnia - tips?

Martin Phillips
November 2nd, 2010, 03:31 AM
Hi there - I'm off to Mostar later this month. Trying to get as much info together as possible - anyone had experience here (or even live here)? Will be some filming of the tourist sites and other areas, but it will just be myself with EX3 and tripod mainly making a film about a missionary organsiation. Are the authorities ok with small scale stuff like this or do I need to go down the permit route? Also a location of video kit dealer would be great just in case ......

Thanks in advance, Martin.

Bill Engeler
November 3rd, 2010, 04:17 PM
I'm sure you are aware that Mostar was the scene of a series of horrific battles between armies divided along religious and ethnic lines not very long ago. I'm not sure how welcome a missionary organization will be among many of the residents there. It's a small city that hasn't fully recovered, and is still very divided along religious lines. All the tourist sites are in the muslim side of the city, so I would be very respectful and low key.

Boris Barel
November 4th, 2010, 11:17 AM
Bosnia is beautiful country with very friendly people. You can expect a great experience.
Haven't been to that part, but done a few pieces there in Sarajevo and the north, including some post war
graves and stuff. The country is beautiful, food is amazing, but expect quite rough accommodation if you
go to the villages. Expect rain and bring a rain cover. The part you are going to is actually called Herzegovina
it is not Bosnia proper. Can't give you a name of a dealer, will try to find out later. A polarizer is a must - lots of water and very nice sky. Not everybody speaks English. Colors - very nice and lush.
Authorities are completely fine with filming just tell them you work for a foreign broadcaster and you love it here. Maximum play dumb. Don't get into a political discussions, will save yourself a headache.
"All the tourist sites are in the muslim side of the city, so I would be very respectful and low key."
There are actually much less religious Muslim people there than in any European city, especially Brussels.
You will have lots of fun.
First time I came to Sarajevo was on a day Bosnians won a soccer game against the Serbs, and the whole
city was having a massive party. We drove through the center of the city in a car with Belgrade(Serbia) plates
on and it was absolutely fine, ended up in local newscast as the local crews couldn't resist a shot of a Belgrade car waving joyfully to the victory. :) Have fun and if you need any info let me know.

Martin Phillips
January 7th, 2011, 06:13 AM
Well, everything was fine - no problems with authorities - in fact we got a special police form to say what we were doing, but never had to show it. Very friendly locals - the whole trip was a real experience. Camera kit worked flawlessly (despite it being very wet a few times).

Thanks for advice - this is a great resource.

Steve Lockett
March 5th, 2011, 04:21 AM
Not that I will be doing any filming for a particular purpose, but I will be there in August, so great to hear your story.
I will be going as a side trip from the Croatian coast and meeting friends in Zagreb.