View Full Version : Theme Announcement for UWOL 18
Catherine Russell November 1st, 2010, 07:07 AM As our beloved Marj Atkins put it:
"C’mon Cat – let’s have the theme so we can paint some ‘magic’ into this challenge!"
So here ya go:
The theme is: Intimate Detail
I encourage you to resist shooting all macro with this theme. This theme can go as big and vast as it can go small and close up. (So no By Design reruns Marj, unless you really want to!)
Time for you all to run with it! Stretch yourselves in your interpretation as well as your shooting! Try something new! The goal here is not to stay in your comfort zone and win. The goal is to push your own perceived limits to new standards and perhaps be surprised with a win! This group collectively has amazing talent and a wealth of information to share with each other. Put the 'tales of wonder and woe' thread to good use and ask those silly or serious questions on how to do something. We can collectively find answers!
Deadline is Sunday, November 21 at midnight anywhere in the world.
Fire me your e-mail if you haven't already so I can complete my database. E-mail me at
Have fun everyone! I'm inspired for you!
Rob Evans November 1st, 2010, 09:25 AM cool :-)
Thinking cap on!
Trond Saetre November 1st, 2010, 10:49 AM Cool theme!
Now it's all about twisting the brain to come up with some interesting ideas.
Marj Atkins November 1st, 2010, 12:40 PM Okay Cat - not sure why you singled me out but definitely no re-runs of by design. :)
And yes - with a theme like "Intimate Detail" one's knee-jerk reaction is to run for the macro lens - my favourite brush of course, but thinking about it, you do get a lot more in when you go wide!! Mmm - will have to look at this one from lots of different angles ...
Rich Ryan November 1st, 2010, 12:51 PM Cat,
This looks like fun. Of course I ran off to the Dictionary and Thesaurus:
adjective: (1) having a close personal relationship
noun: (2) intimate friend
verb: (3) to make known indirectly; imply (this is my favorite)
noun: (1) individual or minute part (2) such parts collectively (3) troops or a group selected for special duty
verb: (4) to relate in detail (5) to assign for a particular detail
So do you care how we combine these definitions or did you have something specific in mind? (-:
Catherine Russell November 1st, 2010, 12:52 PM Hi Marj!
I thought of you when deciding on this theme because of your stunning long form entry, By Design. Your entire feature could be the ultimate answer to the theme "intimate design" and I was hoping you wouldn't be disappointed in the topic feeling like you have been there and done that already! I was hoping to nudge you to look at it differently this time, which by your post you are already doing!
Thanks for being such a good sport and running with the theme in an entirely new direction, or perhaps with a new direction with the macro!
All the best with it!
Annie Haycock November 1st, 2010, 12:59 PM Macro it might have to be, as the theme gives me the kick-up-the-backside that I needed to make a little film I've thought about in passing over the years - and it is the appropriate time of year for it. Now, if the weather cooperates . . . . . but the forecast is for rain the rest of the week, and I'll need some sunshine!
Catherine Russell November 1st, 2010, 01:23 PM So do you care how we combine these definitions or did you have something specific in mind? (-:
Hi Rich:
Illuminating definitions, eh? The sky is the limit though! Theme interpretation as well as the filming technique is all yours for the taking. Go for it any way you want to make it, and have fun!
Catherine Russell November 1st, 2010, 02:01 PM Macro it might have to be, as the theme gives me the kick-up-the-backside that I needed to make a little film I've thought about in passing over the years - and it is the appropriate time of year for it.
Cool Annie, I love that! Now is the time to make it happen.
Bill Thesken November 1st, 2010, 05:48 PM Intimate Detail..???
Isn't that a bit of a racy theme for a family oriented site?
Just kidding Cat ! I have just the idea. I've actually been thinking about doing a short on a species of animal we have here, and this is the perfect theme to explore it and it's environment. If I can only get the critter to cooperate it should come out great.
Bob Safay November 2nd, 2010, 03:47 AM Here we go again. Reminds me of an old movie from the 70's. "Birds do it, bees do it".