Craig Sharp
August 1st, 2005, 07:22 PM
As i stated in an earlier post, i just shot my first wedding. What about using songs in my final edited version, i am not charging my friends because, well, they are my friends, and this is also my first wedding. will i get into any trouble with copyright laws?
Craig Sharp
Richard Alvarez
August 1st, 2005, 08:32 PM
Do a 'search' for long, LOOONG threads on this topic.
Keith Loh
August 2nd, 2005, 10:06 AM
As i stated in an earlier post, i just shot my first wedding. What about using songs in my final edited version, i am not charging my friends because, well, they are my friends, and this is also my first wedding. will i get into any trouble with copyright laws?
Yes, do a search. This question comes up EVERY TWO WEEKS. Short answer. 1) When you use something without permission, you are breaking the law. 2) The fewer people who see it, the less chance you have of being 'caught'. 3) Did we mention to use the search? :)