Ainol Haslizan
October 28th, 2010, 02:37 PM
We know Nx5 are using Fat32 format. When we record Long footage exceed 2G, It will divide into two clip automatically.
Since Content Management Utility are design for Windows/PC user, So, how to combine clip on mac.?
On Windows/PC, When we combine clip without go through Content Management Utility. The clip will lost a sound in between two clip.
But How you guy combine clip on Mac??
Daniel Paquin
October 28th, 2010, 06:02 PM
I am a MAC user and my NX5U AVCHD video sequence files are being imported for video editing within FinalCut Pro.
In order to do so you have to use "Log and Transfer".
Brad Owens
October 28th, 2010, 07:16 PM
I'm interested in this. I thought most of the value in a tapeless workflow is so you don't have to use log and transfer but instead could use the log and capture dialog to save you from having to do each individual clip?
Can you explain your workflow? I'm interested in getting a NX5U soon.
Alec Moreno
October 29th, 2010, 03:26 AM
Using Final Cut Pro's "Log and Transfer", the shots exceeding 2Gb will import seamlessly.
However, my experience has been that if I import a clip that began on one card and then switched automatically to the second card during the shoot (because the first card ran out of space), that clip will have a momentary audio loss upon import. This only happens when I load the footage from the two cards though (thus saving two separate folders of footage on my hard drive). When using the flash drive (FMU-128) to import this type of clip, it imports perfectly.
Alec Moreno
Wedding Art Films - Southern California - Los Angeles - Orange County - Video (
Michael Maller
October 29th, 2010, 08:31 AM
I'm curious if you have tried mounting both card directories in FCPs log and transfer window that contain the spanned clip, to see if FCP will correctly attach the spanned clip once ingested into FCP.
This should be the case, as it does this with footage shot on the Red spanned across multiple directories.
I understand that it does this with the FMU, as the FMU is only one directory. LMK
Alec Moreno
October 29th, 2010, 08:16 PM
I don't recall the particulars of how I transferred it before, but I will try out your recommendation. Thanks for the heads up.
Alec Moreno
Wedding Art Films - Southern California - Los Angeles - Orange County - Video (