View Full Version : Try this test on your tripod

Warren Kawamoto
October 26th, 2010, 07:24 PM
Here's a really good test for a tripod shootout. Put up a poster of a giant "S" on a wall. Arm your test tripod with a DSLR/telephoto lens. As you record video, see how well you can trace the "S" from top to bottom. Pan/tilt slowly, and see if you can do it without jerks or stops. Next, trace the "S" from bottom to top. This test will quickly weed out the good tripods from the bad ones once you play back your videos side by side.

Peter Harman
October 28th, 2010, 02:00 AM
Its a good test for the transition from one axis to another and you can only realy do it if the camera is precisely balanced. Try it with no drag on either axis and see what happens. We use a figure 8 to do the final inspection on our Vision heads.

Chris Soucy
October 28th, 2010, 02:56 AM
Sounds like a good idea at the time,'s about as reliable as your pan arm - er, the one actualy attached to you, like you're left or right arm, you know, the one you w**k with.

It's about as reliable a power source for a pan arm as I am for a wind farm. We're simply not designed that linearly.

And, of course, everybody on the planet has a garage full of pro level tripods, total value, $50K which they can test at their leisure whilst explaining to the bank manager why he shouldn't forclose on their property.

So, where does that leave your test?

In a heap, I'm afraid.

Warren, your heart is in the right place, your head isn't. There are very few people on this planet as can screw test tripod systems out of manufacturers, which is the only way they can be tested, side by side, with something of superior handling characteristics.

I am, for now, one of those few, and believe me, the manufacturers would really prefer the amateurs took over, 'cos the cold light of reason really does rain on their parade, and if you look elsewhere on DVinfo you will find an in depth discussion on this phenomina, by me, not relevant to this thread.

Bit of a bugger Vinten owning up to using such a test as a final "fit to go" for their heads, must be having a "bad hair day" big time.

Peter, shoot me a mail, we have some catching up to do.