View Full Version : GTX 480 Now Supported in CS5

Lloyd Ubshura
October 25th, 2010, 11:57 PM

Looks like the driver just came out today and is officially supported now in CS5 WITHOUT the hack.

Randall Leong
October 26th, 2010, 12:29 AM
Official GTX 480 support is still unconfirmed. It's up to Adobe to officially certify the GTX 480 or any other GPU that has not yet been previously certified. It will not arrive until Adobe officially releases 5.0.3 (it is unknown if or when that will occur).

Randall Leong
December 8th, 2010, 09:54 PM
5.0.3 came out on December 7. Sadly, there's still no official support for the GTX 480 in 5.0.3 without the hack. At least Windows laptop users with a Quadro 5000M can now use CS5's MPE mode without the hack (as can Mac OSX users with a Quadro 4000).