View Full Version : removing logos in post

Drew McElvain
August 1st, 2005, 11:13 AM
I am making a short film and have done a pretty good job of keeping company logos out of it until sitting down to edit an drealizing that in a close up of one of my actor's feet there is a champion logo on his sock, it's not big and only about a 2 second shot but very noticable, I am using FCP 4, is there a way to white this logo out? any advise would be much apreciated.


A.J. Briones
August 1st, 2005, 11:22 AM
hi there. the easy way is to matte it out in fcp or use a blur filter (i've seen a few third party filters specifically for this purpose, but have not had any experience with them).

if it's only 2 seconds and you want it to look really good, you can export the clip in sequential images and paint the logo out in photoshop. you are looking at modifying 60 or so separate images.

Mike Teutsch
August 1st, 2005, 11:32 AM
That's really coast-to-coast help!

Question, is this a concern about copyright infringment? I wasn't aware that it is necessary? Would very much appreciate knowing about this.
