View Full Version : Timecode for HDV Clips in HDLink

Joseph Green
October 24th, 2010, 05:03 PM

I've been using NeoScene with great results overall, please excuse me if the question has been asked before.

My only concern is that the converted (on the fly w/scene detection) HDV clips have no corresponding timecode from the tape.

Is there any way to see this? I would like to recapture footage in the future.

If not, is the information from the HDLINK log file saved anywhere on the computer to find the IN point where I started capturing.

Thanks in advance.


Stuart Campbell
October 26th, 2010, 01:00 PM
Hi Jospeh,

I encountered this problem a long time ago when we first switched to Cineform - and learned the expensive way. A PA employed to log all timecodes on a shoot suddenly found she had wasted all her time and us all our money when the timecodes were not brought across in capture!

Seems the same is true of current versions and I don't know why. It's something I think Cineform should look at as we often need to mark timecodes on set and need them in the edit.

Joseph Green
October 27th, 2010, 09:30 AM
Thanks Stewart

This is quite perplexing especially coming from Raylight where I never had this problem before.

Alex Raskin
November 1st, 2010, 02:09 PM
I have to chime in as +1 on this.

On top of it, CF should provide a setting to re-stripe its AVI with the timecode set by the user manually, starting with the first frame.

(This would allow you guys to re-enter timecodes as logged. I also need this under different scenarios, as I'm sure many other users do, too....)

Joseph Green
November 1st, 2010, 03:00 PM
Hey Alex,

Yes that would be totally useful. I was told by tech support that the function I asked for doesn't exist.

It would be nice to at least have a copy of the log files so I know where I started capturing.

Doesn't seem like it would that hard to implement.

Alex Raskin
November 1st, 2010, 03:39 PM
>> Doesn't seem like it would that hard to implement.

Yes, and CF is now in position where one of its strongest selling points - accelerating Premiere to real-time playback - is no longer valid. (Yes, this dates me :) I've been a CF fanboy for years. Still love it.)

So in this situation what Cineform gang should do, I think, is add value by increasing the features requested by users.

They're already doing this with brilliantly with FirstLight.

Can we have TC functions now, sooner rather than later?

And... drag-and-drop capability in HDlink has been promised literally for years. I hope my children will be able to see that feature finally rolled out ;)

Joseph Green
November 1st, 2010, 04:13 PM
What I've been doing lately is editing natively HV30 24p/60i HDV footage in Premiere 4.1 (not the best but it works) and using cineform on the back end adding an extra step to my usual workflow.

1) Export to 1440X1080 60i HQ MP4
2) Convert to 24p in HDLink
3) Convert back to Web Sized MP4

Looks like it removes most pulldown and I can always re-capture footage in the future from the project file.

Alex Raskin
November 1st, 2010, 04:37 PM
Joseph - OT, but I wonder why use Canon HV30/40 (, when full-HD solid-state media Panasonic HDC-TM700 ( is available for just $100 more?

I never used the latter, but user feedback seems the same - almost 5 stars on B&H...

Joseph Green
November 1st, 2010, 04:48 PM
Hey Alex

BTW I bought the HV30 refurbished at B&H for about $450 last year. :)

To me it makes more business sense to stick with tapes for right now as:

1) I have an instant backup
2) Cost less than new hard drives to backup stuff
3) Cost less than an SD that doesn't address #1
4) 12GB a tape isn't bad for a $2.50 tape.

I had an HVX200 in the past and enjoyed the benefits of solid state but for what I do now its overkill $$$ :)