Michael Giovinazzo
October 17th, 2010, 09:47 PM
Just picked up a Z5 with the MRC1. Very happy with it - I purchased the XF300 and the Sony's NX Cam but returned both. Recording on media only freaked me out - the nanoflash was the only option but investment is too much - plus the storage of all the footage made me a little nervous. Hard drives fail too much.
But back to the topic,
Is there a delay between the tape and MRC1. I did read in another post that there is, but my problem is sometimes the delay is .5 second, and the next time is 4 seconds. It just doesn't seem right - it should be simultaneous tape and media. I'm just a little surprised because with the A1 and a FS5, recording is instant on both.
Is this right?
Michael Giovinazzo
October 17th, 2010, 09:58 PM
Just picked up a Z5 with the MRC1. Very happy with it - I purchased the XF300 and the Sony's NX Cam but returned both. Recording on media only freaked me out - the nanoflash was the only option but investment is too much - plus the storage of all the footage made me a little nervous. Hard drives fail too much.
But back to the topic,
Is there a delay between the tape and MRC1. I did read in another post that there is, but my problem is sometimes the delay is .5 second, and the next time is 4 seconds. It just doesn't seem right - it should be simultaneous tape and media. I'm just a little surprised because with the A1 and a FS5, recording is instant on both.
Is this right?
Leslie Wand
October 18th, 2010, 12:07 AM
haven't noticed start delay, but i do find an 'off' delay of a few frames maybe 15. it's repeatable and though it doesn't cause any technical problems, it's a pain when editing hand held shots and having a whip pan at the end of each one ;-)
Adam Gold
October 18th, 2010, 12:49 AM
Depends on how long it's been since your last shot. The card recording should begin virtually instantly all the time, but the tape will either start in about a half-second if the cam is in STBY mode, or in about 3 or 4 seconds if the STBY indicator is out, meaning that it's been about three minutes since you recorded last, and the heads have spun down to save wear. It takes a few seconds for them to spin up and begin recording from post-STBY mode.
If you're starting from Power OFF, then it takes a few seconds longer still for the tape to thread while the heads are spinning up.
Tape can never be instantaneous. The closest you can come is to use the Q.REC function, which starts recording to tape sooner at the expense of a glitch between scenes, as it begins recording before the GOP is built. See page 94.
Adam Gold
October 18th, 2010, 01:11 AM
Not clear on what is experiencing the delay -- the tape or the MRC. Your post makes it sound like the tape begins first and then the MRC starts after a delay. Make sure EXT REC MODE on the cam is set to SYNCHRONOUS and CAM LINK SEL on the MRC is set to SYNCHRO and not FOLLOW. If it's in the latter, the MRC will wait a few seconds -- the actual time will vary -- to see if the cam is recording and then follow suit. FOLLOW is the factory default so you should change this.
Also make sure SLEEP MODE is OFF on the MRC.
If it's the other way around -- the MRC begins and then the tape -- then it's as I explained it in the response to your other thread on the same topic.
Best to post only once so your responses are all in the same place.
Chris Hurd
October 18th, 2010, 06:59 AM
Duplicate threads merged -- please do not cross-post. Thanks,