View Full Version : EX3 Focus Issue

Chuck Fishbein
October 15th, 2010, 06:31 PM
I've been having a problem with the kit lens on my EX3. Either the left side of the image goes soft or the center of the image goes soft. I just had it into Sony NJ and they realigned and re-calibrated, etc, but it is still soft in the same places when I blow up the MOV from the camera.

I brought it back today and the head tech threw it on the bench and it looked fine, even footage shot with the camera looked ok on his CRT monitor. On my Apple 23 inch screens it looks soft in the middle. In 30 + years of photography and video, I've had plenty of lenses with soft edges, but never sharp edges and a soft middle. Anyone experience anything like this?

I have attached a screen grab of edge to edge, left, right and center of frame. Note the highway in the center image out of focus compared to left and right.

Can increasing the "Crispening" to +30 (to reduce noise) affect only a portion of the screen? (long-shot)

Luben Izov
October 15th, 2010, 08:27 PM
Hello Chuck,
You didn't say anything about if your lens is clean and that is first that comes to mind. Is it?

Chuck Fishbein
October 16th, 2010, 08:29 AM
I'm chuckling, but yes, First thing I checked.
The lens is clean as well as the protective sensor glass.
No external filtration, either.

I was also shooting at F4.0 as anything above 5.6 would cause a poor image, as well.


Greg Chisholm
October 16th, 2010, 09:22 AM
I live pretty close and own an ex3.


Luben Izov
October 16th, 2010, 11:26 AM
I'm chuckling, but yes, First thing I checked.
The lens is clean as well as the protective sensor glass.
No external filtration, either.

I was also shooting at F4.0 as anything above 5.6 would cause a poor image, as well.


I am glad I made you chuckling and having a good time!
Maybe Greg's offer is not a bad idea. Good luck!

Chuck Fishbein
October 16th, 2010, 05:07 PM
Thanks Greg, I would love to run a five minute test with another lens. Also good to know you're nearby. More on that later.

I tested the camera again today at Six Flags. To my relief, I could not repeat the center-soft issue, but I still had a soft left edge.

I did come up with a possible culprit for this problem. So, before I take Greg up on his generous offer, I will first test the camera using external ND filters rather than the 2 internal ones. If there is any chance that either of those two ND filters has damage, dirt, distortion or is/was not sitting in proper alignment over the sensor, I think it's possible that that could cause the type of issues I'm facing.

Greg, If you're ever in a pinch, consider that the offer goes both ways.

Chuck Fishbein
October 16th, 2010, 05:11 PM
At one time in my career, long ago, I sold cameras. And I once had a guy return a camera saying it worked improperly. Apparently, he tried to change the film in a Nikonos underwater camera... underwater.
So, no question is a dumb question.

Chuck Fishbein
October 19th, 2010, 07:50 PM
I was fortunate to have an associate come by with his EX3 in hand. I ran several tests including using his lens on my camera and then trying my lens and his. Both tests showed that my lens was having back focus issues.

I re-calibrated both lenses each time using the back focus adjust in the menu and each time, results were the same. My lens goes slightly soft after zooming out about 1/2 way.

My problem is that the Sony tech says that the lens and camera are at factory specs according to his monitor and wave form, but under actual shooting conditions, the problems are quite obvious. I have been using this lens since the camera was introduced with excellent results and suddenly, major problems and I'm told nothing is wrong.

This is most frustrating.

Greg Chisholm
October 20th, 2010, 08:15 AM

If you saved your test footage, you should take it to sony teaneck. your test indicates proof positive that the lens is at fault, no matter what sony's tech says.

Seems like you may have to take this up with sony corporate.

Be persistent


Chuck Fishbein
October 20th, 2010, 04:53 PM
I did save the test footage and I've had the camera to Teaneck twice, but the tech's attitude was that the only test that matters was what they see on their test bench.

I have already begun speaking to others in Sony. I have also found this same back focus issue with others on this forum.

This will be resolved.

Thanks for your suggestion

Luben Izov
October 20th, 2010, 06:03 PM
I did save the test footage and I've had the camera to Teaneck twice, but the tech's attitude was that the only test that matters was what they see on their test bench.......

Hey Chuck,
I would guess, maybe you could've told the guy a story of long time ago when you were selling cameras... ;-)
Humor on the side, this is not good! Can you go to a different Sony Service place?, or check with camera departments (Rentals) for possible help. Please advise how things are progressing.

Chuck Fishbein
October 20th, 2010, 06:49 PM
I will call some folks I've met up at Sony tomorrow. I'm hoping they can help or guide me in the right direction.

Chuck Fishbein
October 22nd, 2010, 08:37 AM
To their credit and my great relief, Sony investigated the situation again, saw that my lens did have some type of problem and agreed to investigate the issue further.