Kevin Janisch
October 15th, 2010, 01:48 PM
Hello, I'm using Vegas Pro 8.0c and noticed when trying to apply a mask while trying to blur out some background elements that I get a black border that correlates to the Feather % which gives me a black border around the mask. If I turn off my color correction, very heavy with Magic Bullet then all is fine. Is there a way to tell Vegas the render order? Say do color correction after the masking. I'm able to duplicate this problem in new projects as to rule that out. Many thanks.
I hope I don't have to render it out only to bring it back in for masking. I'm using 2 tracks. Bottom track is blurred. Top track is where the mask resides.
Sam Houchins II
October 15th, 2010, 06:28 PM
Hey Kevin,
I'm sub-guru, so forgive my shots-in-the-dark thoughts for you:
DOH!, I see now that you have a blurred bottom trak, sorry. Disregard>If there's no other media underneath, wouldn't the mask naturally reveal black (empty)? Sometimes when masks are not working as I expect, I place a solid-colored generated media above or below or within the track(s) I'm messing with to help me look for the culprit/explanation of what's really happening.<
I do believe that in the chain of filters/effects, you can drag the items left and right in the chain to rearrange their order.
Sorry if I've otherwise missed the mark on your issue :-).
Kevin Janisch
October 15th, 2010, 06:43 PM
Thanks Sam but I need the mask to be applied after the color correction chain of events and I don't see any way to do that. The only solution I've come up with is to import that project into another Vegas project and mask it that way but what a PITA.
Sam Houchins II
October 15th, 2010, 06:45 PM
I see now: the mask is on the crop timeline, not in the plug-in chain. My bad, Doh again.
Kevin Janisch
October 17th, 2010, 11:03 PM
I am using the Event/Pan Crop Masking per the Video event but the Generate Mask will be static so I won't be able to animate it over time.
David Hadden
October 18th, 2010, 05:10 AM
have you tried using the pre/post triangle toggle on the left hand side of the effect keyframe timeline?
This changes when the effect is applied to the media (Pre - composite or Post - compositea )
Also, if it's the same piece of media, can't you just apply your color correction at the media event level? and then apply your blur at the clip event level? - easiest way to do that is select the clip on the T/L, right click, choose Media FX, and that will open the media event FX rather than the clip FX. You can also find this by selecting it in your project media and then going to the project media menu bar and clicking on the FX icon.
Hope that helps
Kevin Janisch
October 23rd, 2010, 02:17 PM
Hey David! The Pre/Post Toggle did the trick. Thanks a million.
In this case applying the fx to the media event would not work as I didn't scene split the capture for ease of editing (too many scenes). Thanks again.
Edward Troxel
October 23rd, 2010, 07:01 PM
NOTE: In Vegas Pro 10, the "pre/post" flag is no longer there. Instead, when you add an effect, you now see a "Pan/Crop" entry in the effect list. Drag it before "Pan/Crop" to do "pre" and leave it after "Pan/Crop" to do "post".
Laurence Kingston
October 23rd, 2010, 11:01 PM
That's cool. That is a better way to do it.
What about at the track effects level? Instead of the "Pan/Crop" there is a "Composite" box. What does that mean?
Edward Troxel
October 24th, 2010, 06:58 AM
That will let you determine whether a track level effect will be applied before or after the selected composite mode changes.