View Full Version : "Save as" problems

Don Meers
October 11th, 2010, 08:25 PM
I am running Pro 9.0e 64bit and have lost the ability to successfully "Save As" with "Copy Media with Project" and "Create Trimmed Copies of Source Media" with handles of 2.0 seconds. It starts to go through the process, then about halfway through the following error:

An error occurred while creating the media file. The reason for the error could not be determined.

The files I am editing are Cineform Avi files made from NeoHD (5.0.7 Build 267)

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Don Meers
October 11th, 2010, 09:23 PM
Just a quick update. I am suspecting its a conflict with Cineform files as I have just been able to save a project with trimmed media that was composed of jpegs and mp3's.

Marc Salvatore
October 12th, 2010, 11:49 PM

This is a confirmed bug with Sony. PLEASE report it to them by filing a ticket. I have been complaining about this for over a year and they tell me it's on the to do list. In other words if not enough people complain about it they will probably not fix it. Unfortunately Vegas 10 still has the bug.


Don Meers
October 14th, 2010, 08:49 PM
Hey Marc,
Thanks for the reply. At least I know now its a known issue.