View Full Version : Weird Audio Phasing

Marty Mulholland
October 10th, 2010, 07:10 AM
I use a HM100 with a Rode NTG-1 shotgun mic, set to auto gain

i noticed on a recent shoot that i'm now editing, with headphones you can hear what i can only describe as phasing

it's as if the internal mic is on because camera moves cause a definite change in phase, which almost gives you a headache after a while

is the internal mic definitely bypassed with a 48v mic plugged in? or is there a setting?

Bob Hart
October 10th, 2010, 09:23 AM

If the camera itself is not at fault, maybe there is a feedback going on between your headphones and the Rode mike which is pretty sensitive if you are using it close to the camera.

I don't know the new camera so cannot comment on whether the internal mike and external mike can both be selected active together.

Auto gain on each channel might be slightly different in attack and release times. Does the effect go away if you select the channel output to the headphones to be mixed or "mono".

If you are splitting a single channel feed to two channels and have separate auto gain on both of those channels or selected "on" for just one as a method of bracketting your levels for safety, you might also get that effect.

Take more notice of people smarter than me who comment in reply.