Carl Matthews
October 6th, 2010, 04:03 PM
HI all, please be patient with me as im new to all this.I've just purchased a XL2 and I luv it up to now but i've got a couple of questions.First, how do you set the audio correctly?the kit mic after recording and on playback the audio level is very low (quiet).Second, the cam I bought came with a 14x manual lens what I want to know is, does this lens have a back focus adjustment on it? Hope you guy's can help me out?I'm sorry if this topic has been discussed before but can not find anything.
Chris Soucy
October 6th, 2010, 11:57 PM
Not familiar with the XL2 but have an XL1s, so can't be too far out of the ball park.
On camera mic's are the bane of the videographer. They're too far from where they're needed (about 2 feet or less from the sound source) and they're usually omni's which mean they pick up anything within a 500 metre radius of the mic.
Get in close and ride those volume controls, try to keep the peaks on the LCD/ EVF just hitting above the red zone and forcryingoutloud get a set of cans so you can hear what the camera is recording.
Back Focus:
Otherwise known as "Flange Back" can only be performed by a Canon tech (on the XL series) as it requires specialist equipment.
What's the exact nature of your focus problem, it may have nothing to do with the lens whatsoever, but the operator?
The more detail you include in posts gives us more to work on, don't worry about it being too long, just give us the facts.
Don Palomaki
October 9th, 2010, 04:37 PM
The stock Canon stereo mic is generally a cardoid pattern each channel 45 degrees off straight ahead. Low audio levels can indicate too far from the talent, or that the MIC ATT setting is enabled. Judge levels by the meter. Some headphones are not very sensitive and may not work well with the XL series.
Most of the 14x manual lenses for the XL series that I am aware of have a back focus adjustment on the lens. However, the stock AF lenses do not. Setting the back focus (flange back) is an electronic adjustment that requires a special remote control adjustment tool and a specific process.o store the adjustment in the camcorder's memory.