View Full Version : Help with multiple scenes in Vegas.

Josh Monk
October 4th, 2010, 02:48 PM
I'm working on a 90 minute film. To make things a bit easier to manage I've been doing each scene in it's own time line. I just wanted to know when the time comes and I'm ready to combine all the scenes to make the actual movie time line. What is the easiest route to do this? Any input would be very appreciated.

Edward Troxel
October 4th, 2010, 03:33 PM
There's at least a couple of options.

1. Just start a new project and then drag each of the individual VEG files (in the right order) to the new timeline. Search for "Nested VEG files" in the help.

2. Render each segment out to a new file and then build a new project using these renders.