Craig Donaldson
July 29th, 2005, 10:29 PM
Hi there,
I have just taken delivery of my new jvc and am thoroughly impressed. Almost up to speed with it operationally in less than 24 hrs, the controls and menus being very similar to bigger broadcast cameras.
What i want to know is exactly what tapes can i put in my new camera? i looked in the manual and it says only jvc prohd tapes , but they would say that wouldnt they?!
Can i use for instance , sony minidv or dvcam tapes. anyone see any problems with doing this? What exactly is a prohd mini dv tape?
Thanks Craig
Stephen Barries
July 30th, 2005, 01:14 AM
Where did you buy your camera from? I thought they were not available yet.
Alex Weltlinger
July 30th, 2005, 03:31 AM
From what I've found out, the camera will take any miniDV tapes, and most HDV master tapes, with the exception of the sony masters. The one's I've been recommened are the panasonic masters, at 1/3 of the price of the sonys, and same quality.
Steve Gibby
July 30th, 2005, 09:52 AM
Whether its an analog camera or a digital camera, I've had the best performance and least dropouts by using a good quality tape - and only using that brand of tape for the life of the camera...
That said, If JVC recommends a specific brand of tape for the HD100, that would be my starting point for testing tapes in the camera. Surprisingly, many times over the years a different manufacturers tape than the manufacturer of the camera has proven to be my favorite. Example: I use Sony Excellence or Premium MiniDV tape in all of my SD cameras that shoot MiniDV. That includes a JVC DV500U, Canon XL1S, SonyVX2000, Canon XL2, Sony TRV950, and Panasonic DVX100A. All those cameras have worked extremely well with the Sony tape, and it's available everywhere when I'm on the road. From the time they were new, none of my cameras have had any other brand of tape put over their heads - and the results have been excellent.
In my Z1 I've only used the Sony DVM63HD tape, with excellent results. It's pricey, but I shoot for television and HDV stock footage, and I can't afford long GOP dropouts in my footage. I haven't had any dropouts in about 18 tapes shot through the Z1. In a pinch, I'd use Sony Excellence or Premium in the Z1 though...
Bottom line again - pick a good quality, reliable, low "hitrate" tape for your HD100, and stick with it. That's what I'll be doing with my HD100's. I'll start by testing the tape JVC recommends.
Mikael Widerberg
July 30th, 2005, 04:11 PM
I am not in the possition to answer your question, sorry. But dosent almost all manufactuers recomend to use there own tapes?
And yes, Where did you buy your camera from???
I have orderd exactly the same camera GY-101E (the PAL version), from Globalmediapro and they say 10-18 days delivery.
I am very cuiorius, what about the pictures, are they fantastic, or????
Craig Donaldson
July 31st, 2005, 02:16 PM
I bought it from
I think i was one of the first in australia to acquire one. I pleaded with the jvc rep to get me one before the release date to use on a job. Told him i really didnt want to have to buy a sony.....He organised the first one to go to me. Nice guy.
As for the tapes I am going to just do my own tests. But, apart from dropouts, are there any other issues with using other minidv tapes? Are the prohd tapes going to give me a better picture? Will dvcam tapes grind down my heads?
And yes the pictures are incredible.
The coolest thing i have found so far is that you can quickly and easily through a menu, crush blacks and wind the red blue and green gamma up or down and save them as presets with the assignable buttons.
Theres a lot more going on in there i havent worked out yet though.