View Full Version : Sound from Shotgun Mic into Both Channels..

James Bishop
September 29th, 2010, 05:48 AM
Hi all,

I have recently purchased a Shotgum Mic (Rode NTG-2) for my Sony Z1E.

I have been testing it and can't seem to get it to record into both channels. When I listen to the sound whilst filming, there is sound in both earphones, but when I capture the footage into FCP, the sound only plays in the left speaker...

Am I doing something wrong?

Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers

Gerd Kogler
September 29th, 2010, 07:20 AM
You can choose to capture dual mono (onto Ch1 and 2) in the clip settings tab of the capture window in FCP.
Enable both audio channel controls, and toggle the Stereo/Mono control to Mono.

I hope, that helps.

James Bishop
September 29th, 2010, 07:39 AM
Thanks for the reply Gerd. Unfortunately I don't get the capture window. I capture HDV as ProRes422, and when I click Log & Capture, theres no window, it just starts capturing automatically... So I can't see how I can do what you suggest. Is there another way?


Adam Gold
September 29th, 2010, 12:19 PM
Page 40 of your manual. Set XLR CH SET to CH1, CH2 for INPUT 1, and make sure your mic is connected to the correct input. But if you are gettng proper sound in both earphones, it sounds as if it is recording properly.

Even if this does not work, there should be a way in FCP to fill one channel of audio in a clip with the other channel. I know Premiere has this.

Does the clip show audio in both channels on the timeline?