View Full Version : Quicktime error 0

Niels Neeskens
September 28th, 2010, 10:50 AM
Hey everybody,

When I send my project to Compressor it starts rendering but somewhere in the end it says failed: quicktime error 0. I've never had this problem and I read on the internet that it can me a ram thing of the comp. I've got a Mac Pro 8 core with 16 GB RAM so it shouldn't be a problem. I have some stock footage in the project as well. Some HD footage that I all ready rendered in the timeline.

Anybody knows what to do wit this. Any help would be great, cause I have a really tight deadline!

Cheers Niels

William Hohauser
September 28th, 2010, 12:23 PM
Possibly a corrupted file in your project. Try to make a self-contained QuickTime and see if that works. If it fails, you might be able to located the bad file by observing how far along in the writing process it fails.

Niels Neeskens
September 28th, 2010, 02:50 PM
Hey William, thanks for answering. The self contained quicktime worked. I thought the quality of that was less then putting it to compressor. But at another forum I heard that I have to take the self contained quicktime into compressor instead of directly into DVD Studio Pro.

William Hohauser
September 28th, 2010, 04:47 PM
As long as "Recompress" is NOT checked, a self-contained QuickTime out of Final Cut is a one to one transfer of the digital data excepting any filters, titles or transitions that were applied to the sequence. Those are processed just as if you rendered them, including real-time filters and transitions. Exactly the same process as if you sent the sequence directly to Compressor but that way the renders are temporary files which are deleted at the end of the process.

It's the cleanest way to make a full copy of a finished sequence.