Brett Whited
July 29th, 2005, 02:35 PM
Hey everyone! I was wondering if I could record from VHS (a VCR) to my GL2 so I could put it from my GL2 onto my Mac to be edited. I have a friend and his boss needs her daughter's wedding (filmed on VHS....I have no idea why!) edited and put to DVD. Would there be a big loss in quality? How could I do this?
DJ Kinney
July 29th, 2005, 06:30 PM
First, I would suggest looking in the manual for this answer, because it will have diagrams. It is in there somewhere.
You plug the RCA (composite) jacks into the outputs of the VCR. Then plug the stereo (looking) jack into the camera. Switch the slider on top to "VCR" and then go into the menu and make sure that under VCR SETUP the "AV->DV OUT" is set to the appropriate "on" or "off" (I can't remember. One of them will allow you to suddenly see what is spitting out of the VCR in the viewfinder. Then hit record on the remote.
Pretty simple, in practice. The instructions I just gave might be more difficult than necessary.
You will not lose significant amounts of quality. You won't gain it, either. Unless--and I think this would be wise--you run it through a home video "cleaner" which is a plugin you might find for your NLE depending on which you are using.
You have a Mac, so I assume FCP has something to do this.
In any case, it will look galaxies better than using an analog capture device.
Brett Whited
July 29th, 2005, 10:19 PM
Thanks Kinney, that is what I basically planned on doing. I use FCEHD by the way. Anyway, thanks for the advice!