View Full Version : Undercranking a FX1?

Martin Wiosna
September 25th, 2010, 09:11 PM

I'm going to be filming some scenes involving helicopters. I want to have one shot with me right under it and have the heli above me with the blades spinning. I know that on film the blades or propellers produce odd visual effects, I want to have a 1 second film so that I can slow it down in Vegas to get the individual blades spinning, if possible.

Anyone have any ideas how this could be done?

Adam Gold
September 25th, 2010, 11:27 PM
Only in post. The FX1 neither undercranks nor overcranks (which is what you want). You could use a very high shutter speed to reduce blur and make the blades more distinct.

Tom Hardwick
October 1st, 2010, 12:26 PM
But remember that the FX1 moves into CCD smear territory with shutter speeds higher than about 1/500th sec. I'd shoot at 1/50th and give your NLE more info to work with if you plan to slo-mo in post.