Meryem Ersoz
September 25th, 2010, 10:43 AM
A judge's thread will be posted by next Friday. While the players continue to play, let's have a little campfire chat about the future of UWOL, shall we?
First, thanks to the players for three and a half amazing years of beautiful and unique video productions.
My plan is to leave you in good hands. Mat and Kevin will still be along to keep the technical and design side of things moving along. I could have never done any of this-- or, more to the point, helped you all to do any of this -- without their support and steadfast friendship. They are two of my favorite people, and I have never met either of them face-to-face. But we have interacted in almost every possible digital and electronic form, from DVinfo to Skype to Facebook. And UWOL videos.
What a strange new world we live in, yes? All the more reason to keep the love of nature alive even if it means transfiguring that love into the digital realms.
Here is our plan for the future:
Your next 3 Challenges will be run by our Interim Field Guide - Cat Russell. I selected Cat to take the reins because I believe that she -- and the work that she has done here in our UWOL Challenge forum -- best embody the spirit of the contest. She has learned so much since the early days and is always quick to share that knowledge with others. I know she will try her best to serve all of the players with wisdom and integrity. Plus, she has that deep, abiding planetary love, which you all share, and which has always been the heart and soul of the Challenge.
She will be running the next 3 Challenges with the consistency of the original Challenge, every other month, to get the UWOL mojo flowing again. At the end of the trial, if she likes the work, she will take over as your permanent contest coordinator and will be free to make any changes to the contest.
I know that UWOL rules need an overhaul to get them up to speed with changes in technology, and some of the reasons that we had for establishing the original rules are now obsolete. But it will be easier for her to stick to the guidelines, initially, because she knows them well, and to re-establish the consistency of the contest.
After that, if she chooses to accept this Ultimate Challenge, it will be hers and it will be open season for you all to make all the changes you like. An overhaul of the contest is overdue, and this will be the appropriate time to make changes. Give her a little space to navigate the waters first.
Three Challenges will also give us plenty of time to see if the contest still has longevity or whether, like a flower, it was something destined to blossom, flourish, bring a little beauty and happiness to our lives, and return to seed.
I always have said that UWOL is the players, not me, or my hare-brained ideas (apologies to hares everywhere...). I hope that I have left you in good hands and thank you for all of the inspiration and love that the contest has brought to me. And to your planet, spaceship Earth.
First, thanks to the players for three and a half amazing years of beautiful and unique video productions.
My plan is to leave you in good hands. Mat and Kevin will still be along to keep the technical and design side of things moving along. I could have never done any of this-- or, more to the point, helped you all to do any of this -- without their support and steadfast friendship. They are two of my favorite people, and I have never met either of them face-to-face. But we have interacted in almost every possible digital and electronic form, from DVinfo to Skype to Facebook. And UWOL videos.
What a strange new world we live in, yes? All the more reason to keep the love of nature alive even if it means transfiguring that love into the digital realms.
Here is our plan for the future:
Your next 3 Challenges will be run by our Interim Field Guide - Cat Russell. I selected Cat to take the reins because I believe that she -- and the work that she has done here in our UWOL Challenge forum -- best embody the spirit of the contest. She has learned so much since the early days and is always quick to share that knowledge with others. I know she will try her best to serve all of the players with wisdom and integrity. Plus, she has that deep, abiding planetary love, which you all share, and which has always been the heart and soul of the Challenge.
She will be running the next 3 Challenges with the consistency of the original Challenge, every other month, to get the UWOL mojo flowing again. At the end of the trial, if she likes the work, she will take over as your permanent contest coordinator and will be free to make any changes to the contest.
I know that UWOL rules need an overhaul to get them up to speed with changes in technology, and some of the reasons that we had for establishing the original rules are now obsolete. But it will be easier for her to stick to the guidelines, initially, because she knows them well, and to re-establish the consistency of the contest.
After that, if she chooses to accept this Ultimate Challenge, it will be hers and it will be open season for you all to make all the changes you like. An overhaul of the contest is overdue, and this will be the appropriate time to make changes. Give her a little space to navigate the waters first.
Three Challenges will also give us plenty of time to see if the contest still has longevity or whether, like a flower, it was something destined to blossom, flourish, bring a little beauty and happiness to our lives, and return to seed.
I always have said that UWOL is the players, not me, or my hare-brained ideas (apologies to hares everywhere...). I hope that I have left you in good hands and thank you for all of the inspiration and love that the contest has brought to me. And to your planet, spaceship Earth.