View Full Version : Predators
Andy Graham September 24th, 2010, 06:05 AM dont waste you're time, for someone to take a great film and do this to it is just wrong. Its just a bunch of guys running about a forrest and talking to ever watched a fishing documentary where they dont catch any fish or a boxing match where no punches are thrown well this is just as dissapointing. Its an abomination and an insult to the good name that is predator.
And thats all i have to say about that.
Rick Presas September 24th, 2010, 08:35 AM I gotta disagree. I think this is the ONLY redeeming entry into the Predator Franchise SINCE the original.
The action scenes were very well done, and the movie kept a solid pace. The special effects were tasteful. The acting was decent at least by the central characters, and the storyline, while simple, told what I found to be a pretty enjoyable story.
Andy Graham September 24th, 2010, 08:59 AM Sure we were watching the same film? i watched it as far as when fishburne dies and i turned it off, it was as if the predators were sub characters, you never got to see them do anything....unless all the action was after the part i turned off in which case all the action was a fart at the end and thats not cool either.
What was Fishburnes part all about was as if he was walking by the set one day and said hey i'll join in, there was no need for that part.
But if you enjoyed it thats cool, just saying i found it boring.
Brian Luce September 25th, 2010, 02:28 AM Sure we were watching the same film? i watched it as far as when fishburne dies and i turned it off, it was as if the predators were sub characters, you never got to see them do anything....
But that's why the original Predator worked so well, we never really saw much of the Predator. Ditto for Alien and even Forbidden Planet.
I agree with you that Fishburne's character was superfluous but generally I thought it was a good reboot of the franchise.
Alex Raskin September 27th, 2010, 02:08 PM Its an abomination and an insult to the good name that is predator
Rick Presas September 30th, 2010, 01:57 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Its an abomination and an insult to the good name that is predator
the "good name" was pretty much soiled by the sequel, and both AVP's, and pretty much ANYTHING featuring the character SINCE the original movie.
if anything, I'd say this movie made at least some stride to take the "good name" out of the crapper.
Alex Raskin September 30th, 2010, 02:31 PM True, the sequel was uncanny.
Still, Glover was a joy, Predator vs Old Lady With The Broom was a classic scene (plus of course Predator operating on himself was awesome too), and the alien ship (plus its departure) were very impressive.
With this new one however, as soon as I saw fake a$$ alien sky panorama shot, it immediately went downhill for me.
Andy Graham September 30th, 2010, 04:17 PM predator 2 was class, 1 and 2 were scary the rest were not. I think we'll all agree that this dead horse has been flogged more predator films are needed.