View Full Version : What's the right workflow for using AVCHD from Panasonic TM700 with XDCAM?

Les Wilson
September 23rd, 2010, 11:36 AM
I had picked the Panasonic HDC-TM700 to be a B-Cam/POV-cam for my EX1R but in experimenting with a sample clip, I'm starting to wonder if there's a better one wrt workflow with Final Cut Studio.

I upgraded to Clipwrap 2 which rewrapped the file into something FCS recognized. Transcoding the TM700 60p footage to AIC HD 1080p using Compressor, there's a file size growth of 4x. Transcoding to ProRes 422 and ProRes 422 HQ, there's a growth of 7x and 10x respectively.

I shoot 30p on XDCAM and am on FCS 2. I can upgrade to FCS 3 if needed. But, is this uprez of both formats to AIC or ProRes the proper approach or is there another?

Is there a less workflow intensive B-Cam or are all these AVC cams going to basically be the same?

I'm on a 2 x 2.26 Quad Core Xeon MacPro.