View Full Version : UWOL #17 Renewal, a retrospectic by Bob Safay

Bob Safay
September 22nd, 2010, 03:11 PM
OK, as you have probably figured out my entry was a retrosective of past challenges. I did it as a tribute to Meryem for all the hard work she, and others, have put into UWOL. I also did it as a rememder to keep pushing ourselves to be as creative as possible, and yet always maintain that initial excitement every time I pick up my Canon and head out to video Bob

Catherine Russell
September 22nd, 2010, 04:03 PM
Hey Bob:

Nice send off! What a creative and thoughtful interpretation on the theme. I never would have thought of that! The clip has beautiful images and nice narration. It is enjoyable to watch and a thoughtful tribute to our leader and inspiration, Meryem.

I think she will really enjoy this.


Mat Thompson
September 22nd, 2010, 04:04 PM
Bob !

Were you trying to make Meryem blub with this one and get her back for being so evil to us over the last 17 challenges. 17....blimey, haven't we come far ! :-)

Your piece was great and such a perfect way to look back at our communal goings on over the years ! - Very creative, nicely put together and very well written. You take all us uwolers on a great reminiscent journey....thank you !

....and who knows, maybe Meryem will change her mind after this one :-)

Catherine Russell
September 22nd, 2010, 04:28 PM
I know if I were you, Meryem, I'd come back after this...

Dale Guthormsen
September 22nd, 2010, 05:01 PM

Mat and Cat about said everything I thought when I watched, enjoyed and remeninced. Beautiful images to be certain!!!!

A nice creative idea, extremely well done.

Steve Siegel
September 22nd, 2010, 05:23 PM
Lovely images, Bob, but I liked your narrative best. It flows perfectly and really feels like family.

Meryem Ersoz
September 22nd, 2010, 05:53 PM
ha ha, you people know me too well. I admit I did get a bit choked up. It has been quite a journey with all of you, and Bob's trip down memory lane sure took me back. i've enjoyed Bob's VO work since the first Challenge.

if there was a "Spirit of UWOL Award" this would be a hands-down winner.

Bob, it is so nice to see someone get the message completely - get out there and push yourself to love your planet, love your own creative relationship to it, enjoy its abundance, and see it with fresh eyes each time you put your lens to it.

every theme you pursue with your camera is about RENEWAL, inherently. just take a look back at Bob's first submission, still one of my favorites, for its message - "have you ever watched the sky? I mean, really watched the sky?"

go watch the sky and feel refreshed and renewed.

Bob - thanks for your inspiring work over these years. I always feed good after watching one of your short films.

Kevin Railsback
September 23rd, 2010, 06:29 AM

What a great trip down memory lane!
Even if you didn't have some great visuals your voice just sells it!

This has that warm, sitting by the fireplace on a cold winters day feel to it. I don't think Meryem could ask for a better tribute. And it is true that with every new challenge there's a renewal of spirit.

Although I go out on my own to film, it's these challenges that really bring out the creativity. Best of all UWOL has introduced me to some great friends.

You weaved a beautiful tale with sights and sounds and wrapped it all up in a great Voiceover.

Mike Duvall
September 23rd, 2010, 06:29 AM
Superb Bob! I think you hit the theme perfectly. Not being a regular here it did take a minute to register what you were doing with it. You have an outstanding voice talent too!

Mike Sims
September 23rd, 2010, 11:31 AM
Hi Bob! I’m always glad for the chance to watch one of your videos. I think this one does the perfect job of distilling the UWOL experience. I wasn’t around for the early rounds, except as a spectator, and you still made me feel nostalgic. You also made me feel welcome once I did start playing. For both things I’d like to thank you. I think the best tribute we can pay Meryem is to not let the community fall apart and drift away once she goes walk-about. This video goes a long way towards ensuring that. (And yes, I’m hoping that the path she takes brings her back to share the treasures she finds along the way!)

Trond Saetre
September 23rd, 2010, 02:24 PM
Hi Bob,

The way you tell your always so interesting stories... You have great skills.
And this time you really nailed it! A better story than yours is hard to find this round, that's for sure.

Thank you very much for bringing the uwol history back, and what a great tribune to Meryem!
It's good to see how all of us have improved our skills during these fun years.

Well done! I look forward to see more of your future work.

Bob Safay
September 23rd, 2010, 04:00 PM
I want to thank you so much for your kind words. Although I have never met any of you, I feel that I know each of you. When my wife and I speak about the UWOL family we always use your first names as if you lived right down the street. Meryem challenged us all, and we in turn challenged each other. I for one will continue to be a member here and work with you all to maintain this family. Thank you all. Bob

Bill Thesken
September 23rd, 2010, 05:59 PM
CLASSIC. I laughed from beginning to end. It's like Genesis with a twist. You probably have the record for the number of times using the word 'renewal' throughout. It was funny, and delivered with a comedians' drypan humor. Every time one challenge ended, another would start and you'd have to trudge out again and look at the world in some crazy new way. "...we all scratched our heads and figured, how are we going to do this..."
Nice crisp photography to go along with a great script.