View Full Version : Quick release plate for Extreme - dimenstions?

Tim Hall
September 21st, 2010, 03:33 AM
My used Letus Extreme came without the quick release plate for the V1 rods, and I can already tell it's going to be hard work making the seller admit he lost it / refund me the cost of a new one ($75). Obviously, without the plate, it's pretty useless... I'm not going to even risk trying it without the rods for fear of damaging my cam lens.

In photos the plate looks pretty standard, so I'm going to hunt around for a cheaper alternative. Can anyone here tell me the basic dimensions of the plate? Has anyone else had success using a non-Letus plate?

Bob Hart
September 21st, 2010, 10:34 AM

I think I may have seen something very similar to the Letus plate profile in anodised black. It is a fairly complex piece to mill.

As a one-off to get made locally at local machinist's hourly rates, you might not do it any cheaper than buying in the genuine part. If you still want to go that route, give me a few days to when I get a chance and I will meaure up the one here.

Tim Hall
September 22nd, 2010, 03:23 AM
Thanks for the reply Bob... sounds more complex than I had hoped :( Let me badger the seller first (he's conveniently gone on holiday to Spain...), if I have no luck than I'll have to sort something out.