View Full Version : Need a part number - HD250u LCD

Chad Haufschild
September 17th, 2010, 12:03 PM
I'm hoping one of you guys has a service manual or parts list. I shattered the LCD on my HD250 while shooting a movie earlier this summer. It's probably the same LCD in all the HD series cameras.

The replacement process was easy enough to figure out, about 12 screws and a few ribbon cables. What's hard is finding the part number! The numbers on the LCD seem to be meaningless. Web searches bring back nothing. The backlight is good, The PCB is good. Just need the LCD.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Robert Wiejak
September 17th, 2010, 05:01 PM
Try: QLD0378-001

Chad Haufschild
September 17th, 2010, 05:48 PM
Thanks, Rob. That's it. My search even brought up a service manual for the HD100. Might come in handy...

Now, here's the rant...

$260! REALLY?! Come on, JVC. First of all it's a Sony LCD. The part number Rob provided (thanks again, man) is specific to JVC, so you know there's a Sony part number floating around out there. I'd be shocked if this wasn't the same screen used in thousands of gadgets each with there own part number and price point.

Don't misunderstand. I realize that we're not paying for just the sum of all parts. We're also paying for R&D and all the other processes that go into making a good product. But come on, guys! I paid all that when I bought the camera and I was happy to. Great camera. It's served me well over the past 4 years. It was totally worth it... Can't I fix it without paying extra R&D fees?!

Okay... I'm done. Thanks for letting me go off. I feel better now...
