Rob Katz
September 15th, 2010, 09:27 PM
Client needs to create dvd to project at non-profit gala.
Client has talking head interview footage that was shot 24p/Standard Def.
He has another talking head interview tomorrow.
Should he shoot tomorrow's interview 30p/Standard Def and "correct" the previously shot 24p. Or shoot tomw's interview 24p matching previously shot footage and drop both 24p talking head interviews onto 30p timeline so a dvd can be made.
Does Client mix 24p & 30p?
Thanks in advance
Be well
Smalltalk Productions
William Hohauser
September 15th, 2010, 09:43 PM
If you mean 60i standard def, then you are good to go as 24p standard def is recorded into a 60i format anyway. As far as I know there, there is no standard def 30p recording format.
Rob Katz
September 15th, 2010, 09:57 PM
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
The client used the DVX100b and mistakenly employed a scene setting which set the camera at 24p. He has another interview tomorrow and wonders if he should again shoot at 24p or shoot 30p on the same DVX100b/standard def.
It is my understanding that the DVX100b shots 24p/30/60i.
Is standard def 30p really on a 60i timeline?
Again, thanks in advance for your patience and insights.
Be well
Rob Katz
Smalltalk Productions
Jeremy Doyle
September 16th, 2010, 09:02 AM
Shoot the second interview the same as the first. It will look more coherent and edit easier. Plus it won't make a lick of difference for the DVD.
William Hohauser
September 16th, 2010, 12:58 PM
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
The client used the DVX100b and mistakenly employed a scene setting which set the camera at 24p. He has another interview tomorrow and wonders if he should again shoot at 24p or shoot 30p on the same DVX100b/standard def.
It is my understanding that the DVX100b shots 24p/30/60i.
Is standard def 30p really on a 60i timeline?
Again, thanks in advance for your patience and insights.
Be well
Rob Katz
Smalltalk Productions
Whatever the old DVX100b shoots, it's all within the 60i format and will play on standard 60i equipment.