View Full Version : Fujifilm Finepix W3 3D camera support

David H. Wilson
September 15th, 2010, 08:22 PM
Are there thoughts for CineForm support the new Fuji W3 3D camera in Neo3D? I recently bought this second generation 1280X720 version, It appears to produce quite acceptable video and good 3D. Seems it could be useful as a B camera for even more real-world 3D productions if used with care.

Perhaps there is already a CineForm work-flow hidden in the folds that I haven't quite discovered yet.

David Newman
September 15th, 2010, 09:40 PM
Released support for the FinePix W3 couple of weeks ago. Do not use HDLink. Open the 3D Mux interface in FirstLight, put the same source W3 AVI in both the left and right eye fields, set the new name and add it to the the queue. Press start.

David H. Wilson
September 15th, 2010, 10:48 PM
Excellent to hear - you guys are always 3 steps ahead. I had been trying HDLink to no avail - didn't think to try FirstLIght directly but will now. Thanks again.

David H. Wilson
September 15th, 2010, 11:17 PM
Just gave it a try - works brilliantly.

Ron Labbe
December 29th, 2010, 10:55 AM
Sorry, I'm totally lost...
I'm just evaluating the Cineform workflow... got FirstLight open, but, ??
If I import a W3 .avi file, I get an error not valid Cineform file. I have no idea where to access the 3D Mux...??

David Newman
December 29th, 2010, 11:02 AM
In the menus of FirstLight, or press Control+M.

Ron Labbe
December 29th, 2010, 11:10 AM
Thanks for quick reply...
There is nothing in the menus about 3D Mux (very little of anything) and Ctrl M does nothing... perhaps I have a wrong version, or bad installation?
TechSmith |, online video sharing, 2010-12-29_1210 (

David Newman
December 29th, 2010, 11:25 AM
Looks like a very old version.

Ron Labbe
December 29th, 2010, 11:39 AM
That's odd, I just downloaded yesterday (neohd).
The extracted file is NEO-HD- dated March 11...

David Newman
December 29th, 2010, 11:45 AM
We are on version 5.2.6, you downloaded last year's version.

Ron Labbe
December 29th, 2010, 12:15 PM
Yeah, that could make a difference. That was the link at the bottom of the email that came from Cineform support... I didn't even notice that there were 2 options. Why would last year's even be there? Anyway, downloading now. Guess I'll need to uninstall previous version?

thanks again, this should make a difference!

Ron Labbe
December 29th, 2010, 01:09 PM
OK, I uninstalled the ancient version, installed current. Better.
Imported a W3 file, worked- but there are issues:
1) No audio.
2) Set primary monitor to nVidia page flip, but only plays one eye when fullscreen mode enabled (the 3D monitor is working fine with other players, such as Stereoscopic Player or nVidia test mode).

Also, seems there should be an easier way to import these, as I don't see any way to batch convert them... they need to be imported one (x2) at a time...

Thanks, I'm looking forward to working with Cineform/Premiere CS5.

Ron Labbe
December 29th, 2010, 01:17 PM
When I brought the new file into Premiere, the audio was there! Does it just not play in FirstLight?

Ron Labbe
December 29th, 2010, 01:22 PM
Also, I see the new Cineform file is 638mb, but the original stereovideo file was only 185mb!
That seems quite odd, since the source file is full stereo... how is the new file almost 3.5x??

BTW, I have been doing stereoscopic imaging for over 30 years, and have been doing stereo video for about 15... Studio 3D Stereoscopic 3-D Imaging (


David Newman
December 29th, 2010, 01:47 PM
The NVidia support is the Quadras only, but I don't know the details on which hardware does what --- the main developer for the NVidia is on a holiday break. You could contact support to see if you hardware setup is correct.

If you use the "Auto Mux" it will batch all the files it finds. Just select the first clip, and click "auto mux" instead of "Add to Queue".

W3 files are heavily compressed, CineForm is not, so the files will get bigger.

Yes, FirstLight is video only.

P.S. Cool about , thanks for the heads up.

Ron Labbe
December 29th, 2010, 02:34 PM

The nVidia 3D active monitor is working, just doesn't seem to work with Cineform (or Vegas, for that matter- which I'm also trying out. Wanting to buy something before year's end!!) Not sure if nVidia tech will support individual programs... I know a couple of the top guys Andrew Fear and Andrew Page. I may have to hassle them as well :)

David Newman
December 29th, 2010, 02:43 PM
FX 3800 is working here. Likely a driver issue. The engineer who knows this stufff will be back next week.

Ron Labbe
January 4th, 2011, 03:44 PM
Nvidia guy back? Would love to get the 3D monitor working with Neo...thanks.

Ron Labbe
January 4th, 2011, 08:58 PM
Talked to my nVidia guy... going to be a new driver released next week!