View Full Version : Hi from Portugal

David Ribeiro
September 14th, 2010, 11:58 AM
Hi there,

My name is David and i´m from Portugal. I always loved videography but only recently decided to spend some time with it. I have a Canon 550D with some vintage lenses and sometimes i rent a Sony EX1 so i can practice some shots with a more "professional" camera.
I worked with Premiere before in some university projects but very basic.
I hope i can learn from all of you, and when possible, contribute also to this fantastic forum.


Terry Lee
September 14th, 2010, 03:52 PM
Bem vindo David :D

Eu foi para Portugal em 2008..estava muito bonita!

What kind of vintage lenses do you have?

David Ribeiro
September 14th, 2010, 04:24 PM
Nice Portuguese :)

I have a Helios 44M 58mm f/2 and a Vivitar 28MM f/2.8 and planning on buying some more. My bugdet is low for now so with this ones i have the ability to film on low light conditions

Terry Lee
September 14th, 2010, 07:33 PM
Yes, a good range of lenses is definately a must.

Right now all I have is a Nikkor 28mm AI-S prime on my T2i...and since its a croped sensor, its about 45mm...Not a good "on camera all the time lens" I definately need to expand my collection..

Welcome to the forum David.