View Full Version : First Light - Feature Request - HOLD keyframes and Visual Keyframes on timeline

Justin Lovell
September 14th, 2010, 09:38 AM
1. Visually see our keyframes on the time line
Different colors for different keyframes (primaries are red, white balance are blue) with toggle on/off visually switch?

That would help in making mistakes of adding keyframes..

2. CONSTRAINABLE keyframes or "HOLD" keyframes.
This would allow users to do scene to scene corrections without the adjustments varying throughout the shot. (currently, we have to create 2 keyframes beside eachother to stop make 'hold' keyframes, time consuming).

3. Individual color Saturation/Desaturation.
Selectable color saturation/Desaturation.

4. Keyframe forward back buttons on the Tangent Panel (again would have to be selectable for which type of keyframes) - but there are so many unsued buttons on the panel it shouldn't be a huge concern :)

Got this feedback from a couple other users who are doing dailies with FL.

Thanks and great work!

Stephen Armour
September 16th, 2010, 06:15 PM
Very good suggestions, Justin!

Hope the guys at CF are listening hard, those are the kinds of useful suggestions that make FL shine more brightly ever new version!

Bill Bryant
September 17th, 2010, 01:44 AM
Great suggestions....I would also love to see J, K, L (reverse, pause, play) controls, and the ability to make adjustment using the mouse wheel.

Bruce Gruber
September 17th, 2010, 02:46 AM
Very good suggestion.. It does get confusing if you need to go back and fix something.

Robert Kennedy
September 18th, 2010, 10:42 PM
Would love to see this program flushed out more as well. I'm used to the keyframing in after effects and hope they adopt that mindset.

Something I would love to have for 3D adjustments is the ability to assign hotkeys for common adjustments. At the moment, if I want to change horizontal parallax I need to click it with the mouse, then I can use either up/down or left/right. If I then want to adjust vertical parallax, I have to click it and I can use the same four keys. It would be great if I could just use up/down for vertical parallax and left/right for horizontal parallax. So much faster. While I would like to own a Tangent surface, I don't have the desk space or the need quite yet.

As for the JKL request, have you tried using F6, F7, F8? I found that trick on this page but haven't confirmed it works the same yet:


David Newman
September 19th, 2010, 09:53 AM
The functions key to provide j,k,l type functionality -- also use F9-F12 for navigation . We had to do that as we using a GUI builder that insists j,k,l have other purposes, so instead of fighting the development environment we move up on the keyboard.

Bill Bryant
September 19th, 2010, 03:59 PM
thanks for that info, that will help me out quite a bit!