Ib Christian Henricson
September 13th, 2010, 04:48 PM
Hi guys!
One day shoot, two people, the talent and rain in the horizon.
Tell me what you think! It's in Danish, but you get the picture ;-)
En anden slags ondt - final on Vimeo
Artist: Alouise & Anders Graae
Made by Guineapig Productions
John Peterson
September 13th, 2010, 06:24 PM
1. I felt like grabbing a pair of sunglasses to watch it.
2. They never move from that one spot so it's kind of boring.
3. Nice vocal ability though.
Les Wilson
September 13th, 2010, 06:42 PM
Why do I feel like I'm in 1975? That must have been a ton of work to take spectacular footage and make it look like it was shot back then. That's a compliment to your post production skills. I loved the ending. Cute.
Chuck Fishbein
September 13th, 2010, 08:54 PM
Very Super 8 retro. I like it! Nice effort.
Ib Christian Henricson
September 14th, 2010, 02:24 AM
John, I'll pass your compliments on to the talent.
Les & Chuck, thanks a lot. We put a lot of effort into making it look old, so I'm happy it reminds you of old time footage ;-)
We started out by using a Cinevate Brevis adapter - which including the flip module - makes an excellent door stop. It's one of the early models, and insists on getting stuff on the achromat. Highly annoying, and I've had it with this product. But for this particular use, highly usable.
Hereafter a ton of filters, overlays, flares etc. made the final look.
Too bright, maybe, but it's supposed to be. The talent had a very specific idea of what they wanted (they saw a commercial and asked us to replicate).
Very little action in the video - agreed. We did shot more scenes - pillow fight with feathers flying around, building a sandcastle etc., but the lyrics - which you might or might not understand, is not entirely positive in its expression - so we decided not to include this, and keep it more suttle. But again, this was a no budget, a favor to someone whos music I appreciate, shot and edited in a heartbeat, so I'm pretty happy about this.
Again, thanks for taking time to comment. Still learning.
/ Christian.
Steve Browne
September 14th, 2010, 05:03 AM
I think it's great! Really like the music, the colour, the singers back to back
Looks good! Well done!