View Full Version : Ken + Dwi .. My first Save The Date video

Johannes Soetandi
August 29th, 2010, 05:36 PM
Hi, trying to jump into Save The Date wagon here.. and I gotta admit it is very challenging!

This isn't the final product yet as I wish to have some feedbacks from fellow videographers here before delivering it to the client who's gonna use it as part of their wedding invitation. I have to give credit to SODE for the handmade date concept at the end. Not sure if this is the usual concept of save the date, but I think it's a good one. :)

Please let me know any thoughts and inputs that I can make correction to.

Password is: draft1

Many thanks! :)

This is a password protected video on Vimeo

Dennis Long
August 30th, 2010, 08:35 AM
I am confident the couple will like it. But I would suggest (for the openning flower shots especially) using a tripod. Nice coupling of the video with the song lyrics. The final shot of the tree seemed a little difficult to read.

Johannes Soetandi
August 30th, 2010, 06:57 PM
I am confident the couple will like it. But I would suggest (for the openning flower shots especially) using a tripod. Nice coupling of the video with the song lyrics. The final shot of the tree seemed a little difficult to read.

Thanks Dennis. Yeah, I'm not too satisfied with the opening shots too.. I'll be hunting some flowers this weekend and make sure I'll use tripod. I haven't colour correct the clips yet, hopefully once I apply it, the writting on the tree can be easier to read.. hopefully..

Kren Barnes
August 31st, 2010, 06:50 PM

Dude don't overthink it, I would leave the flower opening shots however i would just change the colorgrading to the old sepia film look with a little flicker ,good job im sure the couple will love it...

Vertical Video Works | (

Johannes Soetandi
August 31st, 2010, 11:48 PM
Dude don't overthink it, I would leave the flower opening shots however i would just change the colorgrading to the old sepia film look with a little flicker ,good job im sure the couple will love it..

Thanks Kren, my gf didnt particularly like the second flower shot, so that may be the only one I'd replace. I'll try stabilize the others with FCP plugin.. I think it will help reduce the shakiness..

Hmm let me try sepia stlye and see how it turns out. Thanks for the idea mate! :)

Johannes Soetandi
September 5th, 2010, 08:30 PM
Updated now with colour correction and some tidying up. I stick with the natural colour as I liked it better. Thanks for all the inputs! :)