View Full Version : O'Connor 2065 tripod head

Steve Phillipps
August 27th, 2010, 10:16 AM
Just wondering if anyone had any info on the new O'Connor 2065. I'm a little confused. It's a replacement for the 2060HD, but according to the specs it's exactly the same dimensions and weight as the 2575D. Where does this leave the 2575 - is the 2065 a replacement for that too?
To me the 2060 and 2575 were separated by weight, with the 2060 just barely being a portable unit, while the 2575 was definitely a studio rig - and if the new 2065 is the same weight I'd put it in the same category. And that would also mean that there is no mid-weight unit in the range - you have 10.4kg for the 2575 and 2065, and then right down to 4kg for the 1030.
Any info greatly appreciated.