View Full Version : What means d23? codec 01.02.06

Robin Probyn
August 23rd, 2010, 07:54 PM
Hi all

1 When I set my HDX900 to 24p.. with Nano set to PSF/Remove pull down.. I get the correct setting on the Nano.. but what does the d as in 1080p d23 stand for.

2 In About setting I see a line MP2 Codec 01.02.06.. what do these numbers mean?

Many thanks

Dan Keaton
August 24th, 2010, 06:58 AM
Dear Robyn,

1080pd23 is our abbreviation for "the nanoFlash is receiving 1080p59.94, and 3:2 Pulldown is active, and we are recording 1080p23.976 (with the Pulldown frames removed).

Thus, we are recording 1080p23.976 (with all duplicate frames (the Pulldown Frames) removed.

The 01.02.06 is the firmware version number of the MPG firmware.

When one selects our MPG mode, we use this firmware instead of the regular MOV/MXF firmware.

Robin Probyn
August 24th, 2010, 08:53 AM
Hi Dan

Ok many thanks.. yes I knew it was 24p and all was well.. just wondered what the d stood for..

Thanks again