View Full Version : Best Way to Use Premiere with Multiple Users on Multiple Computers?

Lloyd Ubshura
August 20th, 2010, 07:26 PM
The question in the title pretty much sums it up. What's the best way to be able to add resources and work on the same project with multiple people on multiple computers at the same time? Is this possible?

What's the best way to share resources?

In my particular case 3 computers running PP CS5 are all in the same location and can be networked together.

Steve Kalle
August 21st, 2010, 12:35 AM
Search my name and "iSCSI" and you will find a great thread where I helped another person with the same question.

As far as multiple people working on a single Premiere Pro project file at the same time with the Premiere project file hosted on a single computer - this is not possible.

Jordan Nash
August 21st, 2010, 04:51 AM
The question in the title pretty much sums it up. What's the best way to be able to add resources and work on the same project with multiple people on multiple computers at the same time? Is this possible?

What's the best way to share resources?

In my particular case 3 computers running PP CS5 are all in the same location and can be networked together.

You will need a file server to host the project, and a version control system to keep it sane.

Robert Young
August 21st, 2010, 03:59 PM
The question in the title pretty much sums it up. What's the best way to be able to add resources and work on the same project with multiple people on multiple computers at the same time? Is this possible?

What's the best way to share resources?

In my particular case 3 computers running PP CS5 are all in the same location and can be networked together.

You might try posting this on the DVI "Cineform Software Showcase".
There is at least one producer on that forum who, I think, is doing this- multiple workstations addressing a single PPro project.
BTW- enjoying the EX1r??