View Full Version : Disaster...please help!!

Andrew Hardman
August 19th, 2010, 09:48 AM
It's 2AM, and I have just spent all of yesterday filming for a client. He expects the video in approximately 12 hours and everything has suddenly decided to go kaput.

I'm very new to DSLR video work and this is my first real job with one. Okay so here we go:

I am currently using the trial version on NeoScene as the copy I purchased is not accepting the provided Activation Code (which I have contacted Cineform about).
For 'importing', I am using an SD Card reader which just plugs into the USB port. I've put my SD card into it and it will load up all dandy, until I attempt to copy the files to the PC. It eventually reaches a file (different each time) which it cannot copy, the connection suddenly dies and if I try to re-open the card via 'My Computer > driveF etc' it asks me to 'insert device' aka the device can no longer be found.

So I did what I swore I'd never do (drastic times etc...) and plugged my 550D into the PC and decided to drag and drop the files onto the PC via a USB cable, which worked fine. However now, whenever I enter NeoScene and select the folder which I dumped the footage into, to 'convert', it has an error (see screenshot below).

I am ripping my hair out here, I haven't slept in over 20 hours and I have a deadline nearing quick, what the heck do I do?

Jerry Porter
August 19th, 2010, 11:18 AM
Are you loading the folder or are you selecting all of the files and adding them to the list. If you are selecting the folder that could be the problem. Sometimes I have had NEO4K get confused on where it was putting stuff.

Slavomir Valko
August 19th, 2010, 12:33 PM
what editing soft. you using?

Jerry Porter
August 19th, 2010, 12:37 PM
He's trying to convert the files in Cineform before he gets to the editor I believe.

Slavomir Valko
August 19th, 2010, 12:39 PM
I know what he is doing. There is other way to convert the files bypassing neoscene if he is using premiere pro.

Buba Kastorski
August 19th, 2010, 12:42 PM
1) if you still have time left for your neoscene evaluation, re-install neoscene; if not - contact cineform helpdesk for the activation code, they're pretty quick;
2) delete folder with MOVs from your hard drive and re-copy, better using SDHC card reader,
also try select not the folder, but files as an option to convert

James Donnelly
August 19th, 2010, 03:43 PM
Have you got quicktime installed? Just thought it was worth checking. I believe it is required to allow Cineform to work.

Edit: forgot to ask, do the .mov's play ok on your computer un-transcoded? What editor are you using?

Andrew Hardman
August 19th, 2010, 04:55 PM
I do have quicktime, yes. And the videos do play back okay un-transcoded. I've worked out that the problem is in fact with the SD card reader, so I successfully have imported using the camera via USB. However I still have this problem with NeoScene, whether I select the folder, or individual files, it just doesn't want to work.

I'm going to try re-downloading and re-installing the program.

James Donnelly
August 19th, 2010, 05:55 PM
Reason I ask about NLE is, to see whether it is possible for you to consider an alternative intermediate format. There is always Matrox I-frame, which delivers most of the benefits of Neoscene, if you are able to use it.