View Full Version : I don't know what to charge $ this guy... Need Advice

Pat Engh
August 17th, 2010, 07:11 AM
Please delete thread - Sorry

Josh Laronge
August 17th, 2010, 10:38 AM
You have to decide what your time is worth. Answer these questions to yourself:

How much do you get paid per hour at your regular job?
How much does a full-time videographer with your skills in your area get paid per hour?
Average these for your labor rate. Then add:
How much does your equipment cost you?
Then take those numbers and multiply by the number of hours the job will take you.
Then add whatever expenses (tape, travel,rentals, etc.) will you have to incur to do the job.
There's your number.

Now if your number is more than the client is willing to pay, ask yourself, how badly you want this for a portfolio piece?

Most, most, most importantly get an agreement/contract in writing from the client. Remember, you live in what Carl Hiaasen calls, "the sleazebag capital of America."

David Barnett
August 17th, 2010, 11:15 AM
Agreed. Figure out a day rate (several hundred), then factor in editing time (hourly). Assume 2 minutes will take nearly a whole day of shooting (interviews, setting up, B roll footatge), and nearly a good day of editing (capturing, graphics, re-edits). You're looking at two good whole days of work at a minimum.

Then as Josh suggest predict what his budget probably is, and how much this gig will help you. IMHO it looks like a decent client, and a quick montage could help a reel, but it's really up to you & where you are and what you want to do. Question, how did he come in contact with you? As usual if we're talking Craigslist rates he's probably looking to spend only about $100 or $200.

Pat Engh
August 17th, 2010, 12:26 PM
...Thanks guys for your help