View Full Version : Suddenly, Vegas won't capture DV.Please help
Ken Plotin August 14th, 2010, 10:27 PM Hi All,
I've been using Vegas for years with almost zero probs on this computer.
I'm still using 4.0e for regular DV stuff. Went from W2k to XP SP2 a couple of months ago.
I can edit and render just fine with my regular plug ins (Plug in Pac 3dLE, Boris Red, etc.).
Playback from the timeline over firewire through my Sony DSR-30 deck to my video monitor is fine (external preview).
BUT: I can't capture in the Sony capture app (vidcap).
The popup says: "Device communication error" turn off device and restart, etc. Endless loop of same popup each time I do.
However, at the bottom of the capture window, it shows the device connected and correctly identifies it. Also: If I go to the device property drop down menu, I can operate the device from the on screen buttons there.
It just won't capture. An image shows in the capture window briefly, then disappears with the error.
I re-installed Vegas, the 1394 port MS driver and Direct x joy. Swapped firewire cables...same thing. Plays back over firewire but no capture.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ian Stark August 15th, 2010, 03:48 AM Not sure if this is your issue, Ken, but I have problems capturing over firewire while my firewire preview to external monitor is active. I have to turn the D to A converter off while capturing. I'm guessing my system doesn't like more than one firewire device to be active simultaneously. I recall having a similar problem some years ago with a firewire external drive - I had real issues capturing from an old Canon XM2 (GL2). Someone described it as a data 'storm' caused by the Canon 'hogging' the firewire bus and confusing the system to the point where it just gave up.
Might be worth checking by trying a capture without the Sony deck being on.
Michael Threadgold August 15th, 2010, 08:08 AM Ken, have you checked "use external app." in prefs. -video?Michael
Ken Plotin August 15th, 2010, 10:18 AM Thanks for the replies guys.
The deck IS my capture device...and the only device on my firewire PCI card. Always worked flawlessly in the past (before Win XP SP2).
That option isn't available in 4.0e...I have the Sony Vidcap application chosen as the default capture program. I can browse to another but the Vegas one is all I have installed and have ever used.
In video prefs, the Video Device is identified and listed as "connected"; indeed it is...unfortunately for playback only.
I'm beginning to think this is an MS driver problem related to XPSP2.
Ian Stark August 15th, 2010, 10:28 AM Ah, OK. Sorry, I was thinking you were capturing from a camera. Duh!
Does the deck show up in Device Manager? The deck is, what, ten years old technology now? Maybe they aren't releasing new drivers? Might be worth checking with Sony.
Is it worth trying to capture from another device like a camera, to rule the deck in or out?
Seth Bloombaum August 15th, 2010, 01:09 PM ...I'm beginning to think this is an MS driver problem related to XPSP2.
Problems like this usually are!
First, I'd try the SP2 Firewire patch:
Download details: Update for Windows XP (KB885222) (
If no joy, please review the process described in post #2 of this thread, and check that the correct DV driver is being selected by windows.
If no joy, try the process described in this sony support topic: Problems capturing from DV devices after installing Windows XP Service Pack 2 ( fY3Y9JnBfcGFnZT0xJnBfc2VhcmNoX3RleHQ9ZHYgZHJpdmVy&p_li=&p_topview=1)
Hopefully the 1394 patch for XP SP2 does the trick!
Ken Plotin August 16th, 2010, 09:35 AM Thanks Seth,
Yep, I checked the resources online and found references to the SP2 1394 problem. Downloaded and ran the joy.
Weird thing is, I can capture using MS Moviemaker! It's only Vegas that shows the "communication failure".
I checked all the prefs in Moviemaker to make sure it wasn't stealing the 1394 bus from anything else, and it looked ok.
I would gladly try the workaround discussed in the articles, BUT:my MS XP disc is SP2 (did a clean install), so I don't have a copy of the old SP1 msdv.sys file. There was an old (2005) site that had the file for download, but that is no longer accessible. Does anyone have a copy of the old MSDV.sys file from XP SP1?
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.
Seth Bloombaum August 16th, 2010, 09:59 AM Have you been through the windowsupdate process since installing the OS?
I believe there is an SP3 for XP, plus so many patches and fixes... redirects to it.
Ken Plotin August 16th, 2010, 12:23 PM No, I haven't updated to SP3. I installed SP3 on a friend's machine a while back and it messed up her USB functionality (won't recognize flash drives unless the printer is off, etc.).
Did updates prior to SP3 fix the 1394 problem?
Seth Bloombaum August 16th, 2010, 02:31 PM I've got SP2 on one machine, and SP3 on another. It was quite a while ago, so, I don't remember which, if any, might have gotten the FW patch. But, yes, I can capture on both.
SP3 rolls up a bunch of individual updates. If USB had problems afterwards, there should be a more up-to-date USB driver for your friend's mobo. SP3 is not known for killing usb...
Another thought - do you have the most recent firewire drivers for your card or mobo?
Ken Plotin August 16th, 2010, 10:30 PM Yes, I've always used the standard MS drivers for my TI chipped firewire card...never a problem.
I think I might just clone this drive, then update to SP3.
I checked all the available updates to SP2. All 84 of them! All but 4 were security updates. Nothing really related to driver issues.
Thanks again.
Ken Plotin August 18th, 2010, 09:57 PM UPDATE! Fixed. :)
OK, here's what I did. The XP SP2 1394 issue is well documented on the web. Common fix if the MS "Hotfix" doesn't work (as in my case) is to copy several files from an installed copy of SP1, and paste them (in safe mode) into SP2. I don't have SP1, as I installed over W2k.
BUT: I have a drive with XP SP3 installed from our CORPORATE EDITION. The msdv.sys file from that installation is NOT an SP version, but is a generic (xp client) with a version number that pre-dates SP2.
I booted to safe mode, copied the msdv.sys file from the XP Pro SP3 corporate install to the XP Pro SP2 installation, re-booted and....It worked!
Vidcap opened as usual and I was able to capture as before.
Now...if you guys could help me with the fast idle control valve on my 1989 Honda Accord Lxi with 237,500 miles......
Craig Longman August 18th, 2010, 10:22 PM Clever fixin' there... =)
Crazy the hoops one has to jump through sometimes.