View Full Version : How to Edit DSLR Footage in Premiere Pro CS4 without NeoScene

Taky Cheung
August 8th, 2010, 01:25 PM
I wasn't ready to upgrade to CS5 yet .. and not sure if I want to spend $99 for NeoScene. Here's my approach to edit DSLR clips in Premiere CS4.

How to Edit DSLR Footage in Premiere Pro CS4 | L.A. Color Blog (

with the help of the free Matrox I-Frame HD codec as intermediate codec. =)

Slavomir Valko
August 20th, 2010, 11:11 AM
Thanks Taky

canon H264 vs. AME vs. Steamclip on Vimeo

Taky Cheung
August 20th, 2010, 01:55 PM
slavo, what would be your conclusion? I can't tell much difference between the first and second clip.

Also, it's difficult to judge based on a still. It'll also be easier to have all 3 of them showing side by side. Is it possible?

Slavomir Valko
August 20th, 2010, 03:17 PM
I got older computer and using Matrox codec (avi files) seems to keep Premiere much happier. I didn't like gamma shift on MPEG Steamclip so Matrox I Frame HD is in my opinion a winner.

Side by side coming up later today.

Taky Cheung
August 20th, 2010, 05:04 PM
Matrox used to lock the I-frame HD codec to be used with their hardware only. Same for the VFW. However, I found out they forgot to unlock it in an early VFW downloaded version. I posted it in their forum and they freaked out .. hehe

Slavomir Valko
August 20th, 2010, 06:56 PM
Side by side comparison of Canon T2i/550D footage, transcoded footage using Adobe Media Encoder + Matrox MPEG-2 I Frame and MPEG Steamclip + Avid DNxHD.

Side by side Canon H264 vs. AME vs. Steamclip on Vimeo

Terry Lee
August 21st, 2010, 02:45 AM
If someone could test Matrox, DNxHD and NeoScene like Salvomir has, that would be great!

I am feeling the same way Taky is about not wanting to switch to CS5 just yet... But I need to do something about getting one of these programs soon so I can edit my footage. A test between them would be very helpfull.


Taky Cheung
August 21st, 2010, 09:53 AM
Terry, you can download neoscene trial to test. Matrox codec is free to download too. So instead of waiting for someone to test it for you, maybe you can perform a test to show us?

Colin Rowe
August 21st, 2010, 10:28 AM
An equally important reason for using Neoscene is the fact that it performs the 10 bit correction for luma range and colour space on Canon DSLR clips, this is crucial to getting the best from your footage, and saves an awful lot of time messing about with curves at the edit stage. + of course you get amazing quality, easily editable clips. I edit EX1 and 550D footage without any problems on my aging core 2 duo 2.400 pc with 2gb ram. $99 for Neoscene was a far cheaper option than a new PC