Aaron Almquist
August 7th, 2010, 10:34 AM
All T2i Footage,
Lenses used:
Canon 15 2.8
Sigma 30 1.4
Canon 85 1.8
Jim + Jessica on Vimeo
Noel Lising
August 9th, 2010, 07:00 AM
Love it! The backlight during the cake cutting is the money shot. Visually it is perfect, I just wished you included some natural audio (vows, etc).
Thank you for sharing.
Rochelle Morris
August 10th, 2010, 04:39 AM
nice work Aaron,
the natural audio at the start was beautiful - perhaps it could have been cut and used in pieces during the clip as an option.
Osmany Tellez
August 17th, 2010, 03:06 PM
Hi Aaron.
Loved the video, looks really good. Wanted to ask you how you like the T2i for weddings? I got one 5D and will love to get the 7D but I think I short on $$$$ so I was looking at this T2i option. Any issues, pros, comments? it looks really nice on yout vid. how many T2i's did you used?
Aaron Almquist
August 17th, 2010, 09:07 PM
Hey Osmany,
Thanks for the nice comment. I love my T2i for weddings. I have one T2i, and shoot with an XH-A1 as well. The T2i is quite smaller than a 5D and 7D, but produces the same imagery. You don't have the in-between iso's with it, but since i don't own a 5D or 7D I don't miss that feature. I saw my overheating indicator come on yesterday halfway through an outdoor ceremony in 100 degree weather. But I let it run through the rest of the ceremony with no problems. If you decide to go with it I think you might like the 1.6 crop factor you get from the T2i, its great for getting in closer.
Personally I am going to wait until canon puts out it's 60D to buy another DSLR. From what little i've seen, if it has the flip out screen with full HD capability for a few hundred bucks more than the T2i I'm going to buy it.
Hope this helps your decision.
-Aaron Almquist
Martin Wiosna
August 18th, 2010, 10:13 AM
some real smooth camera work there...looked like you were on rails!
Aaron Almquist
August 18th, 2010, 12:28 PM
Thanks Martin,
Yeah I'm using a DIY Indeslider, best $160 i've ever spent!
Dijon Taylor
August 18th, 2010, 02:44 PM
Thanks Martin,
Yeah I'm using a DIY Indeslider, best $160 i've ever spent!
Do you mind explaining how you made it?
Aaron Almquist
August 18th, 2010, 04:32 PM
Not at all! I came across this info on a another forum awhile ago. Here's the link ZazaSlider Instructions (http://www.zazaslider.com/instructions.html)