View Full Version : CS5 crashing when pasting into sequence

Dennis Stevens
August 6th, 2010, 03:51 AM
I recently upgraded to Adobe CS5. I opened up a project I created in CS3, that was 720p 24fps with ProspectHD.

I let CS5 create a CS5 version of the project. It ran more or less or ok, but I copied a section of a multicam sequence and pasted it into another sequence.

Whenever I click 'paste' - CS5 just crashes. No error message, just 'Adobe has stopped working'. I tried it a few times, it did it every time.

Has anyone seen this? I can't find a work around.

Don Blish
August 6th, 2010, 09:09 AM
Perhaps the upgrade to NeoHD/4K is what you need. Thats the Cineform product optimized for CS5. Twas seamless for me and the Neo upgrade was free.

Dennis Stevens
August 6th, 2010, 09:19 AM
Did the upgrade. Seemed to go smoothly, far as I could tell.

Dennis Stevens
August 7th, 2010, 08:01 AM
I have sort of a work around. I can export the sequence as a new file, and bring that file into the project.

It seems to be around dealing with projects I created in CS3. In fact, if I click on anything, half the time CS5 freezes and crashes.

I've heard of backwards compatibility issues, but this is ridiculous.

Steve Kalle
August 7th, 2010, 01:27 PM
Is this only happening with Cineform files and projects? I ask because Cineform has admitted that prior conversions sometimes have problems with the new CS5-ready Cineform software. If exporting to a new file works, then it certainly sounds like a Cineform issue.

Is Quicktime up-to-date as well - Cineform calls upon QT for some functions.

Tim Kolb
August 7th, 2010, 03:41 PM
Adobe has an acknowledged issue with CS3 projects that have rendered previews associated with them...they balloon the project size due to some copying or duplication function that was buried way down in the code somewhere.

They have a fix in the wings for the next update, but for now I'd try to trash whatever preview files are associated with the CS3 project and start by opening or importing it with CS5 again...

Hopefully that might help.

Dennis Stevens
August 16th, 2010, 07:43 PM
OK, I created a new project, and brought in completely new footage. I'm getting exactly the same thing.

All I'm doing is selecting a clip in a sequence, and clicking 'Copy'. I click in another sequence of the same settings and click paste. And it crashes.

So this has nothing to do with backwards compatibility. I just tried exporting the clip and bring the new export into the project. Just bring that into a sequence crashes.

Dennis Stevens
August 16th, 2010, 07:56 PM
Maybe I have a clue. I just realized I had synced it to audio I recorded on an H4N at a different sample rate.
I created a new sequence, and adjusted the audio to what I recorded. I pasted a few edited clips without crashing.