View Full Version : DSLR & Lens question

Alden Miller
August 5th, 2010, 05:10 PM
We don't really a DSLR section that I saw on DVINFO, and people here seem to use them more than the rest so here's where I shall post.

I have a 35mm Letus Adapter for my video camera. I have a Nikon adapter for it, so I am in the market for some Nikon Primes lenses.

That said, my wife is looking to join my wedding video entourage by adding some photography options for us.
So we will be starting her out with a midrange Nikon DSLR (open for suggestions on this).

I would like to be able to use the lenses that we purchase for both the DSLR and the 35mm adapter.

Where can I find out which lenses work for what?

Can I use older prime lenses on current DSLRs?
Are there lenses that are good for both? or better what not good for both?


Chris Barcellos
August 5th, 2010, 10:54 PM
As far as the DSLR is concerned, get a Canon 7d or T2i, and buy lens adapter to fit your Nikon stuff.

Here:Alternative Imaging Methods Forum at (

Philip Howells
August 6th, 2010, 12:02 AM
Adam, or wait for the pro version of Sony's VG10 and you can both use the same cameras and all the auto Minolta/Zeiss lenses - and have decent, in-sync sound

Dave Blackhurst
August 6th, 2010, 12:16 AM
Philip -
As a Sony user, I'll just say that the new "E" mount complicates compatibility with older glass. Where Sony goes with the NEX platform and what it will mean to the Alpha line is a big unknown, although there are supposed to be 4 "A" mount cameras to be announced soon with HD video.

I'm still puzzling myself, as I want to upgrade aging Alpha camera bodies, but want the video "option"... yet the VG10 sure looks tempting!