View Full Version : Meeting With Bride & Groom for 1st Time: What Questions do I need to Ask?

Jay Cash
August 4th, 2010, 01:53 PM
I am booking my second wedding and I am sitting down with the bridge and groom on friday at starbucks, What are some questions that you would always ask on a first meeting?

If there is a thread with this topic, if someone wouldnt mind pasting me the replies! I am looking for any comments or suggestions!

Philip Howells
August 4th, 2010, 02:32 PM
Jay I'm afraid it's not clear to me whether you've been booked and they've signed the contract or if you are still waiting for the couple to sign the contract (and remember they're not married so both should sign so they are liable individually).

So you either lay out your stall, describing your product, showing how it meets all their needs - you have to ask them exactly what they want to see in their video, what style of shooting and editing eg documentary, cinematic etc and take them to the close when they should sign the contract. If your jurisdiction allows cooling off periods explain them and explain what the contract says they'll get. Explain the editing and payment schedules. When they sign leave them a signed copy and collect their deposit.

But all this is very basic and obvious so perhaps you have something else in mind?

Alec Moreno
August 4th, 2010, 02:48 PM
Take an interest in their wedding, apart from the film. They're feeling you out as much as you are them, and they want to hire someone that actually cares about their day.

And at all times, exude confidence in yourself and your work without being arrogant.

Alec Moreno
Wedding Art Films - Southern California - Los Angeles - Orange County - Video (

Chris Harding
August 4th, 2010, 05:23 PM
Hi Jay

My very first question to the bride is "Tell me about your wedding?" That way you are showing interest in her wedding which she has been possibily planning for the last two years and will LOVE to tell you all about it!! From your side, you will get a pretty comprehensive idea of what is going to happen on the day and whether you can handle it or not. You can then tell her (or them, but more often that not it's all about the bride and the groom is there for moral support!!) what you can provide and they can decide whether you can offer them what they want!!

Just on a side issue I seldom meet brides at a coffee shop (I had to do one meeting like that this year). I really prefer to go to their home where it's quiet and they are in a comfortable environment and the bride will have all her planning files on hand too!!!


Jay Cash
August 4th, 2010, 05:34 PM
You guys are amazing, I just started making money with videography this past January.

I had no intentions of getting a deposit or signing a contract, I think I'll tackle that the next wedding.

Excellent ideas on taking an interest in the wedding. Are there any other comments or suggestions you have meeting with brides for the first time....

I am hired for the job,

Chip Thome
August 4th, 2010, 09:58 PM
If you both are in agreement you are the videoguy, you are doing their wedding video, and the price is already determined, this might be a dumb suggestion, but how about the lamest yet must obvious questions. Will the groom wear a mic ? When is the rehearsal ? What type attire do you anticipate guests to be wearing ? What are the brides wedding colors, bridemaid dresses, groomsmen attire ? Are you having a dj or a live entertainment ? What is the layout for the reception dinner ? Will the dinner and dance be brightly lit or dimmed for ambiance ? How will you arrive at the ceremony, limo or in various cars ? What is the music and who is providing it at the ceremony ? Where is the ceremony, and the reception ?

The closer to her big day, the less time she is going to have to be able to sit down and answer these incredibly lame, yet could be oh so important questions.

Chris Harding
August 4th, 2010, 11:42 PM
Hi Chip

When asked the magic question above...months of detail and planning all come out and then you just need to ask the few silly questions (important to yourself)

I make a point of attending each and every rehearsal...many a disaster can be averted by showing up at the rehearsal so you know exactly what's going (or supposed to) happen on the big day.

BTW: Jay timings are very important (for you not for her) at the beginning. If you are doing the preps then make sure you leave yourself 30 mins at least clear so you are ahead of the bride and have time to setup and still be waiting for here arrival at the ceremony. I'm strict here too!!! If she is leaving home at 3:00pm I tell her I will disappear at exactly 2:30pm whether she is ready or not. If we miss a few prep shots it's no big deal but arriving at the ceremony with the bride will be a disaster!!! (They normally make sure they are in their dress long before you need to go.. as long as you tell them the situation) There is nothing worse than trying to setup mics and tripods while the music starts and the bride comes in!!!!


Alec Moreno
August 4th, 2010, 11:49 PM
I'm unclear now. If you're already booked, what is the purpose of this "first meeting"? Are you looking for the specific questions we ask about in order to make the day run smoothly for ourselves, or are you trying to find out what the couple wants their film to be like?

Also, what type of ceremony will this be, and what religion(s), if any?

Alec Moreno
Wedding Art Films - Southern California - Los Angeles - Orange County - Video (